OMB Control #1090-0011
Exp. 10/31/21

Fuel Geyser Incident Reporting Form

This form is to be used to report fuel geyser incidents from any gas powered equipment, fuel storage or transport container.

Fuel geysering is the rapid and energetic expulsion of vapor/liquid fuel when the fuel tank is exposed to heat and then rapidly depressurized. This similar to a BLEVE - Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion.

Information collected in this form will be used by the US Forest Service, National Technology Development Program and industry partners to develop and evaluated engineering solutions.  The information will also assist NWCG to inform power equipment users about effective methods and tools to reduce or eliminate fuel geyser incidents.

All questions in this form are optional, but the more you tell us the better our data is to support geyser mitigation efforts.


Fuel Geyser Triangle

Fuel Geyser Triangle - Fuel, Heat, Pressure


All location and time-based questions pertain to when and where the geyser incident happened.

Geographic Area
Did it occur on an incident?


Equipment Type



Were any injuries associated with the fuel geyser event?
Were actions taken to mitigate the impacts of a potential fuel geyser before the event occurred?


Where was the fuel acquired?
How old was the fuel?
If the fuel was a two cycle mix, what was the mix ratio?
Is a fuel sample available?

If a fuel sample is available please contact:

Ralph Gonzales;   National Technology and Development Program;   444 E Bonita Ave;   San Dimas, CA 91773

Maximum 10 files.
9.28 GB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Enter the characters shown in the image.
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