All field and support personnel are encouraged to submit ideas, issues and concepts that may increase safe, effective, and coordinated national interagency wildland fire operations.

Requests for adding a new NWCG position, changes to current position qualifications, required training or changes to NWCG Standards must be submitted on this Request for Change Form (RFC).

NWCG committees and subcommittee must submit requests through their parent NWCG committee.  

If you provide contact information, you will receive an email informing you that your requested has been submitted and you will be contacted by an IPSC Agency representative.

Would you like a response?

Unless you are requesting a response, this field is optional; however, please consider including contact information in case we have a question.  Please include name, email, telephone.

Please submit your request here.  Include information such as:

  • What is the issue?
  • How is the request interagency in nature?
  • Is the proposed change safety related?
  • What are the  potential changes to  NWCG Standards.
  • What is the proposal or solution?
  • What is the rationale for the issue and solution?
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