Smoke: Knowing the Risks
Raise awareness of the components of smoke, its physiological and mental effects, and ways to recognize, diminish, and recover from these effects.
Facilitator Preparation
- Review the video and module tools.
- Consider additional activities pertinent to the location and agency.
Facilitating the Discussion
- Show the video.
- Facilitate a small or large group discussion using the discussion questions.
Discussion Questions
- What are the harmful chemical components found in wildland fire smoke?
- Explain the physiological and mental effects that smoke has on firefighters.
- What are some indicators that someone may be experiencing the short or long term effects of smoke exposure?
- What fireline tactics and/or strategies lead to the highest potential smoke exposure?
- What are some of the ways to mitigate smoke exposure?
- Publication: Incident Response Pocket Guide, PMS 461, specifically
- Smoke Hazards and Mitigation
- Document: Wildland Fire Personnel Smoke Exposure Guidebook
- Publication: NWCG Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed Fire, PMS 420-2
- Video: Smoke, Roads, and Safety
Additional Video Information
- This video is also available as a download (zip file, size 44 MB) with .srt file for closed captioning (you may need to right click and Save As). For information on how to add closed captioning to a video, see this how to page.
- Note: For Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, right click the word download and select Save Link As; for IE, right click and select Save Target As.