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FEMA NIMS Training

General Information

National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training

The National Training Program for NIMS has developed a common national foundation for training and qualifying emergency management/response personnel. Adequately trained and qualified emergency management/response personnel are critical to the national implementation of NIMS. The NIMS document describes the National Integration Center's (NIC) responsibility to develop "a national program for NIMS education and awareness,” and to facilitate common national standards for personnel qualification. The NIMS Training Program was mandated by the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006. The NIMS curriculum is managed under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by the Emergency Management Institute (EMI).

NIMS Courses Accepted by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG)

As of October 1, 2014, the following 13 NWCG courses were transitioned to the FEMA NIMS Training Curriculum:

Incident Command System (ICS) Courses

  • I-100, Introduction to ICS replaced by ICS 100 (IS100), Introduction to ICS.
  • I-200, Basic ICS replaced by ICS 200 (IS200.b), Basic ICS.
  • I-300, Intermediate ICS replaced by ICS 300 (G/E/L300), Intermediate ICS.
  • I-400, Advanced ICS replaced by ICS 400 (G/E/L400), Advanced ICS.
  • M-480, Multi-Agency Coordinating (MAC) Group replaced by IS-701, NIMS Multi-agency Coordination System (MACS).

Position Specific Courses

  • S-346, Situation Unit Leader replaced by E/L964, Situation Unit Leader.
  • S-349, Resources Unit Leader/Demobilization Unit Leader replaced by E/L965 Resources Unit Leader/Demobilization Unit Leader.
  • S-356, Supply Unit Leader replaced by E/L970, Supply Unit Leader.
  • S-360, Finance/Administration Unit Leaders replaced by E/L975, Finance/Administration Unit Leaders.
  • S-400, Incident Commander replaced by E/L950, Incident Commander.
  • S-403, Public Information Officer replaced by E/L952, Public Information Officer.
  • S-450, Logistics Section Chief replaced by E/L967, Logistics Section Chief.
  • S-460, Finance/Administration Section Chief replaced by E/L973, Finance/Administration Section Chief.

NWCG Delivery of FEMA ICS and All-Hazards Position Specific (AHPS) Training Courses

NWCG member agencies may deliver both types of courses, ICS and AHPS. However, the specific procedures for delivering the two types of courses are different. The steps for coordination and delivery of FEMA ICS and AHPS courses are outlined in the following document: (Process for Delivery of FEMA Courses).

FEMA EMI Course Contacts:


Emergency Management Institute NIMS ICS AHPS Training Program website:

NIMS Training Program:


ICS/IS Courses

Who can instruct the ICS (ICS 100-402) courses?

  • There is no national instructor database for the ICS courses. FEMA provides ICS instructor qualification guidelines on the ICS AHPS Training Program Website

I am putting on a classroom version of ICS-100 or ICS-200, how do I test the students?

  • Students must take the exam online via the Independent Study ( website and they will receive a FEMA issued certificate via email.

How can I tell if an ICS completion certificate is valid?

  • Delivery of the ICS courses has been delegated down to both state and federal entities (including NWCG) and therefore, various certificates are being issued.
  • State Training Officers (STOs), as well as federal entities, have discretion in determining the validity of certificates. STOs can be a helpful resource when you have questions. Additionally, Russell Flick, of the EMI can assist and is available at
  • States and agencies may choose to attach a unique course number to their course completion certificate. Validate with your course coordinator or lead instructor that the FEMA NIMS ICS curriculum available through the EMI was used for the course. For this example, in either the Incident Qualification System (IQS) or the Incident Qualification and Certification System (IQCS), input ICS-300 in the system.

All Hazard Position Specific Courses

How do I know if I am in the NIMS Training Instructor database?

  • The national instructor database for the AHPS courses is maintained by the EMI. STO or Geographic Area Training Representatives (GATR) can review the database upon request.

How do instructors who were not historically recognized during the application period get into the NIMS training instructor database?

  • Those wanting to be in the national instructor database to teach the NIMS position specific courses may do so in two ways:
  1. Attend a Train the Trainer course outlined in the document NIMS ICS AHPS Training Program at under Administrative Guidelines.
  2. If you meet the instructor qualifications as outlined in the document, NIMS ICS AHPS Training Program at, under Administrative Guidelines, submit a justification and list of qualifications to Colby Jackson at

How do I find a FEMA NIMS AHPS course that is scheduled to be put on in my area?

  • If you haven't already done so, get in touch with your STO. They or their counterpart in another state can help find out who might be putting on a particular course in your part of the country. The following link has STO contact information by state.
  • There is not currently a comprehensive website that lists all training by state but the STOs coordinate with others in their areas of the country and can provide lists of upcoming courses.

Can I take a FEMA course in lieu of a required NWCG course?

  • No, a FEMA course cannot be substituted for a required NWCG course.

Can NWCG certificates be issued for AHPS courses?

  • No, if you conduct a course with FEMA materials that is identified with an EMI number, students should receive an EMI certificate.

I need proof of completion of a FEMA NIMS course but have not yet received my certificate, what should I do?

  • If verification of course completion is needed prior to receiving the National Emergency Training Center (NETC) certificate, course coordinators can provide a copy of the course roster to the student.


NWCG Latest Announcements

2025 Updates to the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1

Date: February 4, 2025
Contact: Incident and Position Standards Committee

The NWCG Incident and Position Standards Committee has updated the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1. 

These updates address changes to incident position names and requirements for qualification, training, and experience. Updates related to the implementation of Complex Incident Management (CIM) are also included.  

The NWCG Wildland Fire Position Qualification Flowchart, PMS 308 has also been updated to reflect the recent changes.


NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1

NWCG Wildland Fire Position Qualification Flowchart, PMS 308

NWCG Memo: 2025-01 January 2025 Updates to the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Positions Qualifications, PMS 310-1

NWCG Equipment Technology Committee Releases Safety Warning: 25-001 Non-specification fire shelters

Date: January 15, 2025
Contact: Equipment Technology Committee

The Equipment Technology Committee (ETC) has released Safety Warning: 25-001 Non-specification fire shelters. Non-specification fire shelters claiming to meet Forest Service (FS) fire shelter specification 5100-606 were first found in February of 2023. As of September 2024, non-specification shelters are again being advertised and sold on the open market.

This Safety Warning outlines details and recommended procedures to purchase FS specification shelters made with materials and components that meet performance criteria and toxicity testing requirements outlined in FS Specification 5100-606. 

For additional information on identifying non-specification shelters, please view ETC Safety Warning 23-01.


ETC Safety Warning 25-001: Non-specification fire shelters

NWCG Equipment Technology Committee

ETC Safety Warning 23-01

Paul Gleason Lead by Example Awards

Date: January 14, 2025
Contact: Leadership Committee

The NWCG Leadership Committee has awarded the 2023 Paul Gleason “Lead By Example” awards to individuals in the categories of Initiative and Innovation, Mentoring and Teamwork, and Motivation and Vision, as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Congratulations to the awardees:

  • Sam Bowen, Superintendent of the Mark Twain Veteran Crew with the U.S. Forest Service.
  • Greg Titus, Zone Fire Management Officer for the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Renae Crippen, Manager of the Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch Center with the U.S. Forest Service.
  • Eric Carlson, Instructor with OMNA International.


Paul Gleason Lead by Example Award

Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program

Interview with Paul Gleason

Updated NWCG Standards for Water Scooping Operations, PMS 518

Date: December 19, 2024
Contact: Water Scooper Operations Unit

The NWCG Standards for Water Scooping Operations, PMS 518 establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating water scooping aircraft on interagency wildland fires. These standards should be used in conjunction with the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision (SAS), PMS 505, and any local, state, or geographic/regional water scooping plans.


NWCG Standards for Water Scooping Operations, PMS 518