- The Prescribed Fire Burn Boss is responsible to the agency administrator or Prescribed Fire Manager for implementing the Prescribed Fire Plan. The BLM has established an additional level of Prescribed Fire Burn Boss, the RXB3, to qualify a person to supervise some prescribed fire operations. These types of operations typically would have few personnel assigned, a very low threat of escape and present a minimal risk to personnel involved in the operation. The use of the RXB3 is limited to the burning of piled slash, landings, ditches, and debris.
- Reviews prescribed Fire Plans prior to implementation and ensure that plan requirements are met.
- Reviews specific agency prescribed fire policy.
- Ensures that all phases of the prescribed fire operation, stress the safety of all personnel.
- Performs a reconnaissance of the burn unit.
- Obtains and interprets current fire environment conditions, such as weather, fuel moisture, and soil moisture.
- Interprets cumulative effects of weather and drought on fire behavior.
- Coordinates with the unit Line Officer to make the go/no-go decision.
- Conducts operations according to agency-specific policies and standards, emphasizing safety and meeting plan objectives.
- Directs specific resources to complete operational assignments.
- Provides for monitoring of smoke emissions for health, safety, vista impairment, and fire behavior effects.
- Remains in communication with crew members, assigned supervisor, and adjoining forces.
- Ensures pre-burn coordination and communication is maintained between the burn organization and other offices, agencies, air quality authorities, news media, transportation agencies, safety officials, and interested public.
- Evaluates and documents the accomplishment of fire objectives, operational procedures, and assigned personnel.
- Ensures the post-burn narrative, time and equipment records, reports, cost summaries, and unit logs are completed as necessary.
- Monitors implementation costs and makes the appropriate notifications.
- Conducts After Action Review at the end of the burn.
- Conducts a briefing to all participants of the burn.
Position Knowledge and/or Requirements
- Unable to locate pre-requisites for this position; items listed below pertain to the RXB2:
- Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations (S-390)
- Satisfactory performance as an Ignition Specialist Type 2
AND - Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 4
AND - Satisfactory position performance as a Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 2 in representative fuel group(s)
- Recommended training includes: Prescribed Fire Burn Boss (RX-300), Leadership and Organizational Development (S-381), Introduction to fire Effects (RX-310)