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Interagency Aviation Training Subcommittee

Banner Image
IATS  header graphic.  Running wild horse heard being gathered by helicopter on the the Nevada range. Man assisting with hoist cable in seeding operations using helicopters. Water plane used to transport biologists and equipment to remote areas with no landing strips. Inset photo of four biologists standing in front of plane.
Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Interagency Aviation Training Subcommittee (IATS) provides national leadership to establish and disseminate interagency aviation training standards for natural resource agency personnel in support of safe, effective, and efficient use of aviation resources.


Primary Objectives

photo of xxx Decorative.

  • Establish minimum training, skills, knowledge, and currency requirements for agency personnel who work with aircraft or have aviation duties, including managers and supervisors, in order to accomplish fire and resource (non-fire) missions.
  • Provide a forum for interagency coordination in the development and implementation of aviation education, training, and qualification standards.
  • Recommend standards and guidelines for non-fire aviation training in relation to the Interagency Aviation Training (IAT) Education, Qualification, and Currency System.
  • Establish and maintain best practices in education and training methods and techniques. These include: direct instruction, web-based distance learning, and the media and technology necessary to support both. 
  • Establish and maintain minimum interagency standards for aviation qualification, certification, and documentation.
  • Establish qualifications and currency standards for interagency aviation trainers (IATs).

Request For Change

Request for Change Form

Status of Recent Change Requests

Click on the RFC number for details.

Tracking # Status Proposed Change
23-01 Concur

Auto-generated email message sent to UATAs of unit(s) when a training plan is added or deleted by a student.

Rational: NIAC approval 3/13/23

23-02 Concur

Reduce the required time for A-452R from two hours to one.

Rational: NIAC approval 3/13/23

23-03 No-Concurrence

Move A225 IAT instructor update from webinar to an online course.

Rational: No vote needed. After much discussion it was decided that the dynamics of that class change so regularly that it would be hard to maintain the online class up to date. Resolution: More A225 scheduled webinars have been added to accommodate the growing need of Instructors.

23-04 No-Concurrence

Provide all agencies/bureaus the ability to have a user to put together courses and adjust student rosters even though they are not instructors for those courses.

Rational: No vote needed. Currently there is the “Support Role” in IAT that allows someone to be coordinator for a small training event at the “local” level. 
Resolution: Some changes will be made to the permissions and process will be identified who is assigned that role.

23-05 Concur

Change minimum time for A-454 from 8 hrs to 4 hours.

Rational: Concurrence by IATS members, approved by NIAC.

23-06 Concur

Insert a sub-qualification for all instructors to create a specific A454-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Add-on Course offering in IAT for all fully qualified instructors. All Instructors must be current and qualified to teach each A454 course individually and carded on the airframe or hold a current enforcement for the specific course.

Agencies/Bureaus will manage qualified instructors by issuing a designation letter/per platform from the National/Washington Office level and follow the IAT instructor certification process in the IAT guide. National level letters will be submitted to IAT to be filed in their instructor qualifications.

This is the “sub qualification” piece, and would provide a stop-gap for instructors, as well as some sideboards in regards to liability. This wouldn’t stop an instructor from creating an offering in IAT, but it would be clear delineation of what they can and cannot offer.

Once this change is in place we will need to be able to 'grandfather' in some instructors and will provide all of the above mentioned documentation.

Rational: Concurrence by IATS members, approved by NIAC.

Tracking # Status Proposed Change
22-01 Concur

Change IAT website to automatically (every 2 years) force the student to update their profile including training plans and unit prior to signing up for a course.   This forces the student to ensure that their profile is correct.  If not updated within two years the student would be moved to unassigned unit.


22-02 Concur

Title Change - The A-112 SME  group would like to change the title of the course from " Mission Planning and Flight request Process " to "Aviation Projects & Mission Planning ".  

22-03 Concur

Required position to take this course -  Current required: Dispatcher, Flight followers, Aviation Mangers, Fixed-wing managers (Both - non special use and Special use), Helicopter managers (both flight DOI and resource), Project Aviation Manager, 

Change: Remove Dispatcher and Aviation Managers requirement for taking course.

Concurrence for removal of A112 from Aviation Dispatcher Training plan. The Aviation Manager training plan will still require A112.

22-04 Concur

Ability to limit sign up for virtual classes to local unit only, or provide mechanism/tools for lead instructor/course coordinator to vet student enrollment (by having student unit information shown on the roster, for example). 

22-05 Concur

Prioritize students in some way for IAT webinars, to put students in A courses thar are required for duties assigned and for selected training plans.

It's recognized that there is a need for increased course offerings. However, OAS training staff can not accommodate due to staffing. There  is a need for more Fully qualified Instructors, OAS training specialist also do instructor evaluations and are available to do that to build instructor pools in agency/bureaus.  
Webinar Course registration time "opening" was changed to 1200 MST to allow for western states the same opportunity to sign up for classes as those on the East Coast.

22-06 No-Concurrence

Match the IAT Guide with available IAT training plans and identify the BLM accepted training plan(s) in the IAT Guide. Simply adding the All Hazards/Resource Helicopter Manager Task Book as a requirement to the Helicopter Masnager Resource position for BLM. The guide does do not address all the Helicopter training plans/positions: Helicopter Flight Manager, Helicopter Flight manager (DOI), Helicopter Manager-Resource, Helicopter Manager Resource W/Task Book (A course path) and Helicopter Manager W/Taskbook S path.
Additionally, remove the RT372 language from the Helicopter Manager Resource W/Task Book (A course path) as this is S path language and not part of the A course path road to retaining currency. To maintain currency, a Resource Helicopter Manager must complete the following IAT classes every three years: A-100, A-110, A-200, A-302, A-303, A-307, A-309, and A-310

Rational: RFC 22-06 was not approved. The BLM can make adjustments to their  Resource helicopter manager training plan directly with IAT webmaster and does not need to be voted on by the IATS membership.

22-07 No-Concurrence

Allow the UATA to click on a requesting personnel's name on the personnel page to allow the UATA to view their profile, selected training plans and IAT transcript.  

Rational: RFC 22-07 was not approved because the iat system already has an option for the UATA to view new user's profile prior to approval or denial. 

22-08 Concur After creating an "A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on" course offering, allow for Instructors to identify the specific course being conducted.  Include a drop down of the trainings currently be captured as an A-454 sUAS add-on course.  The trainings to be captured are:
A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on: Switchblade Elite
A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on: Mavic
A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on: M600
A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on: Alta X
A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on: Interagency ELOS/BVLOS Guidance and Training
A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on: Aerial Ignition Workshop
A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on: Mapping Workshop
A-454 - Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Add-on: Non-standard Operating Procedures (NSOP)
22-09 No-Concurrence

Add an Interagency working group committee under the purview of the IATS to oversee and maintain the course content for all of the newly established A454 Small Unmanned Aircraft System Add-on Course and A456 Small Unmanned Aircraft System Extended Line of Sight/Beyond Visual Line of Sight. 

Rational: After much discussion it was decided that an additional working group would not fall under IATS to develop A454/A456 course content. A small group identified by the UAS Program Managers would work together and coordinate/update with IFUASS/IATS on progress. 

22-10 No-Concurrence

Create an IAT position with a corresponding training plan for NPS All-hazards/Resource Helicopter Crewmember (HEACs) using the template of NPS All-hazard/Resource Helicopter Manager (HEAM) already in IAT.  The NPS has a single path to obtain and maintain HEAC that currently consists of:

- Completion of S-271 Helicopter Crewmember 
- Certified All-hazards/Resource HEAC Task Book
- Maintain currency with helicopter crewmember refreshers A-209 Helicopter Operations (triennially)
- Maintain currency with A-110 Aviation Transport of HAZMAT (triennially)
- Maintain currency with A-200 Mishap Review (triennially)
- Maintain currency with A-219 Aviation Transport of External Cargo (triennially) (soon to be implemented in the RM-60)  

This position's training plan could be standardized if agreed upon and adopted by other DOI bureaus and/or the FS if interested in adopting an All-hazards/Resource position for helicopter crewmembers.

Rational: No voted needed, IAT system allows for individual training plans for each agency/bureau if needed. This was resolved with an independent request from the NPS to OAS/IAT. 

22-11 Concur

Change the course length for the A225 IAT instructor Update course from 2 hour to 3 hours.

Rational: Change the course length for the A225 IAT instructor Update course from 2 hour to 3 hours.

Tracking # Status Proposed Change
21-01 Approved Remove A-107 Aviation Policy I Interagency Aviation Training course as a requirement for the following positions:
  • IAT: Aviation Dispatcher, Aviation Manager, Flight Follower, Helicopter Manager-Resource, Project Aviation Manager
  • NWCG 310-1 (2020) and FSFAQG (2019): Aircraft Timekeeper (ATIM) and Ramp Manager (RAMP)
  • FWFQS (2021): Aerial Observer (AOBS) per NPS and USFS Only
  • DOI OEM-IPQG (2021): All-Hazards Helicopter Manager (HEAM)
Note: The above Policy training documents are fully spelled out below and in the “Systems Affected by Change”.
21-02 Approved A-110 Aviation Transportation of Hazmat - Remove the (*if applicable)  from this course.
21-03 Approved A-309 - Helicopter Flight Manuals course -  extend the course length by one hour.   Currently listed on IAT 2 hours - recommendation 3 hours. 
21-04 Approved Regarding IAT Course online only A-110 Aviation Transportation of Hazardous Materials:  Proposing a change in requirement from 15/15 (100%) passing ratio/score on the Post-Course Learning Assessment to 12/15 (80%) passing ratio/score.

Tracking # Status Proposed Change
20-01 Approved A-100 revision course length to 6 hours from current 5 hours.
20-02 Approved Alter the IAT system to send employees, supervisors and their UATAs a proactive "training due" email when employee is close to expiring on a IAT course.
20-03 Approved Provide a 3rd option for presenting A-200.
3) IAT Instructor requests annual approval to access A-200 through their profile and lead a discussion with the class via the on-line presentation to the class via DOI OAS Chief ASTPE or USDA-FS ATPM or RASM.

The IAT Guide currently states: 
Instructor Requirements:
1. Reference Part 3 (1) (B) of IAT Guide
2. Requests to offer Instructor-Led Presentation:
a. DOI content: Authorization by the DOI OAS Chief ASTPE:
1) For Bureau Aviation Safety Managers—Annually
2) For other DOI personnel—per course offering
b. USDA-FS content: Authorization from RASM or USDA-FS ATPM—Annually

20-04 Approved The course updating group decided:
  1. Combined the A104 and 204 class to form one course - course identifier A204 or IATs decides 
  2. New course will be taught on-line only 
  3. New course length will be one hour
  4. Title of new course - A-XXX  ( example - Manned XXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 

These are the initial changes requested from this group. The group will be updating the course based on proposed changes.   
After the course is closer to finalization the group will provide Objectives, recommended target audience (position in IAT Guide or OPM-4 appendix 1).

20-05 Approved Under Part 4 A220 course  Instructor requirements  Number 2 bullet point 

Change from - "or" to "and" 

20-06 Approved OPM-4 Requirements for A-312 instructors (8.E):
-Add requirement that A-312 must be completed as a student in the 36 months prior to taking A-223.
-Add language that ensures the evaluation requirement is the last step in the process.
Proposed language:


  1. Meet criteria above in section 8(B)(1),(2)
  2. Successfully complete the A-312 course in the 36 months prior to taking the A-223 course.
  3. Hold a current Adult CPR, AED, and basic first aid certificate.
  4. Must complete A-223 Water Ditching and Survival Train-The-Trainer.
  5. Complete the Instructor Trainee Task Book.
  6. After completion of steps 1 through 5 above, must be evaluated instructing the A-312.
20-07 Approved

OPM-4 Section 8.F (3) and IAT Guide Part 3.F.3 

Remove the requirement for A-223 instructors to maintain basic water rescue or lifeguard certification.

20-08 Approved

OPM-4 Section 8.F (4) and IAT Guide Part 3.F.4

Regarding the requirement for A-223 instructors to attend a commercial water ditching facility, change the language from "required" to "recommended".

20-09 Approved

1. To have A-100 Basic Aviation Safety course as a prerequisite for the New A-204 course.

2. NOT APPROVED: Add Fixed Wing Flight Managers position to the target audience ( IAT Matrix position). 

20-10 Approved Add the role of designated evaluator to the IAT website.  Have the "search for designated evaluator" tab available from the UATA role similar or exactly like the "search for instructor role."  
20-11 Approved Add a search function to the "find instructors tab" that filters by agency.
20-12 Approved

Change to the A-207 Aircraft Flight Scheduling course -  Change: course title , Course (A) number, and (NOT APPROVED) Additional IAT positions required to take the course.  

1. APPROVED: The A-207 Subject Matter Expert (SME) group would like to change the title of the course from " Aircraft Flight Scheduling" to "Mission Scheduling and Coordination".   

2. NO CONCURRENCE: Number Change - The SME group request: Current A-207 course is a building block on the A-112 Mission Planning and Flight Request which would make sense to have the course number A-212. The current A-207 is NOT a building block for the A107 Policy and Regulation I course and the A-307 Policy and Regulations II. 

3. NOT APPROVED-Required IAT position(s) to take this course -  Current: Aviation Dispatcher; Flight Follower   In addition to the previous two IAT positions, we propose that the following IAT Positions also be required to take A-212 (A-207):  
Aviation Manager
Fixed-Wing Flight Manager and FWFM-Special use 
Helicopter Flight Manager (DOI)  
Helicopter Manager-Resource 
Project Aviation Manager

20-13 Approved

IAT online only course proposal for a name change from "A-103 FAA NOTAM System" to "A-103 Temporary Flight Restrictions and Advisory Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)".

Tracking # Status Proposed Change
19-01 Approved Their are 15 or so Interagency UAO/FAO/UAM's in the Pacific Northwest. I'm sure there are more elsewhere as well. 
The concern is that you can currently only choose FS or DOI Aviation Manager and not both. If we were able to choose both, it would more closely track with the jobs we do (FS and DOI) and when we are reviewed, reports are looked at and this would show more closely reality as well. 
19-02 Not Approved NWCG Standards for Aviation Transport of Hazardous Materials, Ch 1.8 pg 2,3.

A NOPIC must occur using the Hazardous Materials Manifest Form (Appendix 1) to include:...
NWCG Standards for Aviation Transport of Hazardous Materials 3 of 17
Notification standards:
7. Initial: a written NOPIC will be completed during the aircraft pre-use inspection.
8. Daily: load calculations or manifest documentation completed.
9. Verbal: external jettisonable load operations or HAZMAT changes during the mission cycle.
The NOPIC will be given to the pilot before the first flight of the day. Thereafter, verbal notification of changes in hazardous materials is acceptable for ongoing missions.
For external jettisonable load operations, verbal notification of the type and quantity of hazardous materials is acceptable.
19-03 Approved Require the IAT position training requirements of Fixed Wing Flight Manager Special Use (FWFM-SU) AND Helicopter Manager Resource be consistent within these two IAT positions as managers. Additional proposed courses and currency requirements for the FWFM-SU position, are shown in the attached matrix.
19-04 Not Approved Add online fire shelter training to IAT courses.
19-05 Not Approved Combine M3 and A-314 into one master class taking the best from each of these very similar courses.
19-05b Not Approved Provide IAT instructors the teaching materials of a PowerPoint, an instructor guide and an student guide for presenting a combined A-314 and M-3. These materials will be hosted on the IAT web-site as a separate class. 
This will not replace M-3 or A-314 but provide an option for interagency units to get multiple agencies talking about aviation safety and leadership instead of one agency at a time.
Instructor and Student Guide will need to be created.
19-06 Not Approved A-203 Basic Airspace to be required for Flight Follower training plan.
19-07 Approved Integrate A-116 (General Awareness Security Training) within the A-100 Course. 
Course Description:  This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to DOI and USFS departmental aviation security requirements.
19-08 Not Approved Add a "Passenger" Category to the IAT Aviation Training Positions.  Training would consist of a one time A-100 taken either on-line or in person.  IAT would serve strictly as a record system, no statistics would be calculated or included in unit compliance report.
19-09 Approved OAS TD, in collaboration with the IATS, develop an expanded Crew Resource Management (CRM) course to provide more in-depth training than is currently available in the current A-310 (Introduction to CRM). Development of this expanded CRM training should consider the USFS's CRM 7 skills (N9059) and 7 skills refresher (RT9059F). Desirably this course would be available in both on-line and webinar/classroom modes. Which positions that would require this training will be determined by OAS/IATS or by the individual bureau.
19-10 Pending OAS TD, in collaboration with the IATS, develop a training course to address what DOI/USFS passengers need to understand (and comply with) to transport hazardous material (HAZMAT) by air when such transportation does not fall under Department of Transportation, Special Permit (DOT-SP) 9198.
Desirably this training would be available on-line and in webinar/classroom modes.  Positions that would require this training will be determined by OAS/IATS and by the individual bureau.

Tracking # Status Proposed Change
18-01 Not Approved To better match title of courses to actual contents and avoid confusion, I suggest we change: A-104 title from "Overview of Aircraft Capabilities and Limitations" to "Overview of Aircraft Categories and Capabilities", and A-204 title from "Aircraft Capabilities and Limitations" to "Aircraft Aerodynamics, Performance and Limitations."
Course descriptions would change accordingly.
Consider combining the two courses at next revision date.
18-02 Approved Suggest to create and make available the course A-455 Overview of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Operations.  There is a large interest in UAS within the bureau.  Would like an avenue to educate employees on UAS and capabilities interagency wide.
18-03 Approved Modify the instructor criteria for the A-309 Helicopter Flight Manuals course to include OAS Trainers and Currently Qualified Resource and Fire Helicopter Managers. Currently the only positions/titles recognized as instructors are HIP and HOS.
Add additional language to define the Course Purpose in the front matter of course materials. This will meet the current Instructor Guide template used for A Course revisions and help to define the target audience.
18-04 Approved A-225 Course Length to 2 Hours from the current 1.5 Hrs. Removal of Student Guide, as the objectives covered can be done via course presentation of objectives and updates to IAT website for instructors via live review online.
18-05a Not Approved

A-208 is currently required once for the Interagency aviation training position of "Aviation Manager".  The class is listed in the IAT Guide as "2 hours".

  1. Propose adding the course to the position requirement of Aviation Dispatcher.  One time only.
  2. Propose increasing the length of the course from 2 hours to 3 hours.
18-05b Not Approved

A-208 is currently required once for the Interagency aviation training position of "Aviation Manager".  The class is listed in the IAT Guide as "2 hours".

  1. Propose adding the course to the position requirement of Aviation Dispatcher.  One time only.
  2. Propose increasing the length of the course from 2 hours to 3 hours.
18-06 Not Approved Grant IAT Instructors NWCG S- to A- course equivalence.  If an instructor has NWCG quals to instruct an S- course, then they should be given IAT quals to instruct the A-course equivalent courses as found in the "One Way S-Course (NWCG) to A-Course(s) IAT Equivalency Matrix".
18-07 Approved Allow UATA's to update a very limited subset of fields in profiles (eg, supervisor). 
18-08 Approved Allow appropriate IAT positions (UATA, etc) to search compliance by course.
18-09 Approved A-208 is currently required once for the Interagency aviation training position of "Aviation Manager".  The class is listed in the IAT Guide as "2 hours".
  1. Propose increasing the length of the course from 2 hours to 3 hours.
18-10 Approved Removal of the outdated Field Reference Guide for Aviation Users (2014) from the DOI OAS Library and other websites.
18-11 Approved IABS is requesting that the Fixed Wing Parking Tender Training on-line module that is in IAT, be assigned a formal A number.


Chair: Matt Shaddle

NWCG Coordinator: Dave Schultz

Parent Committee: National Interagency Aviation Committee

Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the Last Wednesday

Page Last Modified or Reviewed:

NWCG Latest Announcements

WFSTAR 2025 Core Component Module Package and 2024 Fire Year in Review Now Available

Date: March 14, 2025
Questions?  Please contact:
Joe Schindel at

The 2025 Core Component Module Package for RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR) and the 2024 Fire Year in Review are now available on the NWCG website. The 2025 Core Component Module Package provides all content needed to deliver RT-130.


2025 Core Component Module Package

2024 Fire Year in Review Module

NEW! NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053

Date: March 12, 2025
Contact: Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Committee

The NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053 provides mitigation practitioners at all experience levels with recommendations on the most effective and efficient ways to accomplish mitigation work in communities at risk to wildfire damage or destruction. The content in this guide was written in coordination with the NWCG Standards for Mitigation in the Wildland Urban Interface, PMS 052.


NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053 

Updated, NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

Date: March 11, 2025
Contact: Fire Use Subcommittee
Wildland Fire Module Unit

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430 standardizes procedures and expectations for Wildland Fire Modules (WFMs). These standards are to be used by staff, supervisors, specialists, and technicians for planning, administering, and conducting WFM operations. These standards will also be used as a measure of WFM qualifications, capabilities, and expected performance, for both Type 1 and Type 2 WFMs.


NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

NEW! NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514

Date: March 7, 2025
Contact: National Interagency Aviation Committee

The NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating airtankers on interagency wildland fires. These standards should be used in conjunction with the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision (SAS), PMS 505, NWCG Standards for Airtanker Base Operations (SABO), PMS 508, and any applicable agency plans.


NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514