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PMS 910

NWCG Data Standards, PMS 910

NWCG data standards (data element and geospatial data layer) provide specifications that enable the common usage of data across wildland fire information systems.  For more information login to EDG Explorer.

NWCG Data Standards

EDG Explorer is a database platform used for managing NWCG Data Standards.  The following Data Standards and Geospatial Data Layer tables offer a quick view of the standards. 

More detailed information such as rules, documentation, and term relationships may be viewed in EDG Explorer.   Expand Data Standards or Geospatial Data Layer Standards  below to see data standards term descriptions and status.

Note: If the NWCG Data Standards View is not displaying below please report it to NWCG Webmaster

Title Steward Status Description
ABCD Miscellaneous Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee, IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

A FireCode used by the USDA Forest Service to track and compile cost information for emergency initial attack fire suppression expenditures. For A, B, C, & D size class fires on Forest Service lands.

ADS Permission State Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Grandfathered

Indicates the permission hierarchy that is currently being applied when a system utilizes the Update Incident operation.

Apparatus Number Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Grandfathered

The external alphanumeric value painted on the side of the equipment.

Capacity Data Standard IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

The capacity in which the overhead resource is qualified to perform a position. May also be used to define how the resource performed on a specific incident. In both cases the capacity is defined as “trainee” or “qualified”.

Cost Data Standard IBC Incident Business Committee Grandfathered

A standard for the dollar amount associated with an incident.

Country Code Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

This standard adopts the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard for two-letter country codes.

Country Subdivision Code Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

This standard adopts the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard for country subdivision codes of up to three alpha-numeric characters. This standard replaces the NWCG State Code standard.

County Code Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

This standard adopts the Federal Information Process Standards (FIPS) publication 6-4 for representation of counties and equivalent entities as a three-digit code. [validated: 4/20/2009]

Created By System Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

Username of system that created the record.

Created On Date Time Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

Date/time that the record was created.

Date Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

This data standard specifies a standard format for calendar date. [validated: 7/30/2002]

Date-Time Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

The combination of date and time elements.

Detection Method Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Grandfathered

The method by which the fire was detected.

Employment Category Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The type of employment appointment or agreement under which a person is hired. [validated: 5/6/2004]

Estimated Containment Date Data Standard PSOG Predictive Services Oversight Group Approved

Create a data standard to describe the data element for estimated date a wildfire will be contained.

Estimated Costs to Date Data Standard IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

Estimated total incident costs to date for the entire incident based on currently available information. Costs include estimates for all costs for the response including management and support activities.

Evaluation Comments Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Text description of the evaluator’s comments.

Evaluation Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

A description of how the resource performed on an incident. The evaluation is focused on the specific capacity the resource was required to perform.

Evaluation Timestamp Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The date/time the trainee experience was evaluated.

Event Kind & Category Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

This data standard specifies general, high-level codes and descriptions to be used in categorizing the types of incidents and planned events to which the interagency wildland fire community responds

Experience From Date Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The date and time when the Experience began.

Experience To Date Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The date and time when the Experience ended.

Final Fire Acre Quantity Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the measure of acres within the final perimeter of a fire. [validated: 7/11/2008]

Fire Containment Date & Time Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This standard provides a standard format and definition for the date and time a wildfire was declared contained.

Fire Control Date & Time Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This standard provides a standard format and definition for the date and time a wildfire was declared under control. [validated: 6/16/2008]

Fire Discovery Date & Time Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the date and time a fire was discovered or confirmed to exist. [validated: 4/10/2008]

Fire Initial Action Date & Time Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the date and time that initial action was taken by the first resources to arrive at a fire. [validated: 4/10/2008]

Fire Out Date & Time Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the date and time when a fire is declared "out". [validated: 6/16/2008]

Fire Report Approver Name Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the name of the person that approved the fire report. [validated: 4/10/2008]

Fire Report Provider Name Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the name of the person that provided the data for the fire report. [validated: 4/10/2008]

Fire Reporting Agency Unit Identifier Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard adopts the NWCG Unit Identifier data standard to identify the agency preparing a fire report. [validated: 4/10/2008]

Fire Resource Kind, Category & Type Data Standard IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee, NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, NCSC National Coordination System Committee, ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

This data standard provides standard formats and definitions for a three-tier classification (kind and type) of operational resources available to respond to a fire. [validated: 8/15/2008]

Fire Resource Status Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

Indicates if the resource record being submitted or updated is an initial response resource or daily resource record.

Fire Size Class Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard code and definition for classifying a fire into one of several ranges of fire size based on the number of acres within the final fire perimeter. [validated: 12/17/2012]

FireCode Data Standard IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

This data standard specifies the standard format and rules for FireCode, a code used within the interagency wildland fire community to track and compile cost information for emergency fire suppression expenditures. [validated: 5/18/2005]

First Name Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

The first name of the resource as it appears on a government issued ID. Applies only to overhead resources.

Fitness Level Data Standard IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

A code that indicates the fitness level of a human resource.

Forest Service Assisted Indicator Data Standard IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

Indicates if the Forest Service provided assistance on an incident outside their jurisdiction.

Forest Service Job Code Data Standard IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

A code used to indicate the Forest Service job accounting code for the incident. This is specific to the Forest Service, and is usually displayed as two-character prefix on the FireCode.

Forest Service Override Code Data Standard IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

A code used to indicate the Forest Service override code for the incident. This is specific to the Forest Service, and is usually displayed as a four-character suffix on FireCode.

Frequency Use Designator Data Standard RSUSC Wildland Fire Radio Standards and Use Committee Approved

This data standard provides a standard list of designators for the kind of communications that will occur on an assigned radio frequency. [validated: 3/8/2004]

Fulfillment Comment Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Communication about the request and fulfilling that request.

Fulfillment Status Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Indicates the state of the request.

General Status Data Standard IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

Indicates whether the resource is available or unavailable to fill a capability request.

Geographic Area (GA) Code & Name Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

This data standard provides a code and name for each of the wildland fire geographic areas. [validated: 2/16/2006]

Geographic Area Coordination Center (GACC) Code & Name Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

This data standard provides a code and name for each of the wildland fire geographic area coordination centers. [validated: 5/21/2015]

Geographic Coordinating Area (GCA) Code & Name Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

This data standard provides a code and name for each of the wildland fire geographic coordinating areas. [validated: 5/21/2015]

GUID Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Grandfathered

A standard describing a globally unique identifier for unique identification.

Home Dispatch Unit Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The NWCG Unit Identifier of the center primarily responsible for dispatching the resource.

Horizontal Datum Code Data Standard GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a code and name for each of the point coordinate reference systems used within the interagency wildland fire community. [validated: 12/17/2012]

Displaying 1 - 50 of 133

Note: If the NWCG Geospatial Data Layer View is not displaying below please report it to NWCG Webmaster

Data Standard Title Steward Status Description
Aviation Activity Point NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This layer captures activities that may present a hazard to pilots during aviation operations.

Aviation Activity Polygon NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This layer captures activities that may present a hazard to pilots during aviation operations.

Aviation Obstruction Line NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This layer captures physical features that may present a hazard to pilots during aviation operations. Generally speaking these are permanent features.

Aviation Obstruction Point NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This layer captures physical features that may present a hazard to pilots during aviation operations. Generally speaking these are permanent features.

Aviation Obstruction Polygon NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This layer captures physical features that may present a hazard to pilots during aviation operations. Generally speaking these are permanent features.

Fire Restrictions Polygon CEPC Communication, Education, and Prevention Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This geospatial layer depicts areas where measures have been taken by jurisdictional agencies to impose bans and standards of use on certain human activities that could lead to the cause of wildland fire. These rules are called fire restrictions.

Fuels Treatments Polygon CEPC Communication, Education, and Prevention Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

The Fuels Treatments (polygon) data layer represents the area(s) of unique fuels treatments during a single timeframe. each treatment may be made up of multiple polgons.

Geographic Area Coordination Center Boundaries Polygon GSC Geospatial Subcommittee, NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

Geographic boundary polygons depicting the administrative area of the Geographic Area Coordination Centers

Initial Attack Frequency Zone Polygon GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

Polygons depicting areas in which FAA/DOI/USDA annually assign initial attack frequencies for incident needs.

Jurisdictional Unit Polygon FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This geospatial layer depicts areas of wildland fire jurisdiction to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Unit level. Jurisdictional Unit is defined by NWCG as "The governmental entity having overall land and resource management responsibility for a specific geographical area as provided by law."

Potential Operational Delineations Line IFPC Interagency Fire Planning Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This geospatial layer depicts linear potential control features that may form wildland fire potential operational delineation polygon boundaries.

Predictive Services Area Boundaries Polygon FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee, PSOG Predictive Services Oversight Group Approved

Geographic boundary polygons depicting the extent of the Predictive Services Area Boundary

Resource Tracking Points NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, GSC Geospatial Subcommittee, NCSC National Coordination System Committee, ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

This geospatial layer displays the real-time location of wildland fire resources.

Water Source GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

The Engine Water Sources data standard includes definition of a point feature class for storing information in support of fire-related operations. This layer provides information about the locations, capacity, type, etc. of water sources that may be used for firefighting purposes.

Wildland Fire Dispatch Area Boundaries Polygon GSC Geospatial Subcommittee, NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

Geographic boundary polygons depicting the administrative area of the Wildland fire Dispatch Areas

Wildland Fire Dispatch Office Location Point GSC Geospatial Subcommittee, NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved
Wildland Fire Event Line GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

The Wildland Fire Event Line data standard will define the minimum attributes necessary for collection, storage and dissemination of incident based data on wildland fires (wildfires and prescribed fires). The standard is not intended for long term data storage, rather a standard to assist in the creation of incident based data management tools, minimum standards for data exchange, and to assist users in meeting NWCG Standards for Geospatial Operations, PMS 936, guidance on incidents.

Wildland Fire Event Line (Dev) GSC Geospatial Subcommittee In Development

The Wildland Fire Event Line data standard will define the minimum attributes necessary for collection, storage and dissemination of incident based data on wildland fires (wildfires and prescribed fires). The standard is not intended for long term data storage, rather a standard to assist in the creation of incident based data management tools, minimum standards for data exchange, and to assist users in meeting NWCG Standards for Geospatial Operations, PMS 936, guidance on incidents.

Wildland Fire Event Point GSC Geospatial Subcommittee In Development

The Wildland Fire Event Point data standard will define the minimum attributes necessary for collection, storage and dissemination of incident based data on wildland fires (wildfires and prescribed fires). The standard is not intended for long term data storage, rather a standard to assist in the creation of incident based data management tools, minimum standards for data exchange, and to assist users in meeting NWCG Standards for Geospatial Operations, PMS 936, guidance on incidents.

Wildland Fire Event Point GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

The Wildland Fire Event Point data standard will define the minimum attributes necessary for collection, storage and dissemination of incident based data on wildland fires (wildfires and prescribed fires). The standard is not intended for long term data storage, rather a standard to assist in the creation of incident based data management tools, minimum standards for data exchange, and to assist users in meeting NWCG Standards for Geospatial Operations, PMS 936, guidance on incidents.

Wildland Fire Event Polygon GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

The Wildland Fire Event Polygon data standard will define the minimum attributes necessary for collection, storage and dissemination of incident based data on wildland fires (wildfires and prescribed fires). The standard is not intended for long term data storage, rather a standard to assist in the creation of incident based data management tools, minimum standards for data exchange, and to assist users in meeting NWCG Standards for Geospatial Operations, PMS 936, guidance on incidents.

Wildland Fire Event Polygon GSC Geospatial Subcommittee In Development

The Wildland Fire Event Polygon data standard will define the minimum attributes necessary for collection, storage and dissemination of incident based data on wildland fires (wildfires and prescribed fires). The standard is not intended for long term data storage, rather a standard to assist in the creation of incident based data management tools, minimum standards for data exchange, and to assist users in meeting NWCG Standards for Geospatial Operations, PMS 936, guidance on incidents.

Wildland Fire Locations Point GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

Wildland Fire Location Points represent the final spatial locations of the fire occurrences. Fire occurrences represent the ignition points (preferred), the polygon centroids, or more generalized locations (least desirable) when the ignition points are not known or not available.

Wildland Fire Perimeters Polygon GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

Wildland Fire Perimeter Polygons geospatial data layer standard provides the standard template for exchange/transfer of wildland fire perimeter polygons, representing the daily and final perimeters for wildfires and prescribed fires. Replaces the Fire History (polygons) geospatial data layer standard (archived) and incorporates the Daily Fire Perimeter geospatial data layer standard

Wildland Urban Interface Polygon GSC Geospatial Subcommittee, WUIMC Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Committee Approved

The wildland urban interface (WUI) geospatial data standard defines minimum attribution for interagency collaboration and data sharing.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25

Comment on a proposed data standard

When a new or revised data standard is ready for review and comment, it will have a status of Proposed. Submit your feedback to the Data Standards and Terminology Board.

Request for a new or revised standard

Requests for the development of a new data standard, or for changes to a current standard, may be submitted on a Request form

Download the User Guide and other reference materials

The User Guide for Development and Maintenance of NWCG Data Standards, PMS 938, explains the processes for developing and maintaining both NWCG data element and geospatial data layer standards.

Modified / Reviewed:

NWCG Latest Announcements

New Job Aids Available: Packing Lists for Wildland Fire Fireline Personnel and Support Staff, J-101 and J-102

Date: December 3, 2024

Two new job aids are now available: Packing List for Wildland Fire Fireline Personnel, J-101 and Packing List for Wildland Fire Support Personnel, J-102, should serve as a baseline for items needed on a wildland fire assignment. These lists will help personnel prepare for a 14 to 21-day assignment on the fireline or in a support role.


Job Aid Catalog

NWCG Packing List for Wildland Fire Fireline Personnel, J-101

NWCG Packing List for Wildland Fire Support Staff, J-102

NWCG Equipment Technology Committee Releases Safety Warning: 24-001 Stihl Chainsaw Toolless Fuel Cap Spill Prevention

Date: November 14, 2024
Contact: Equipment Technology Committee

The Equipment Technology Committee (ETC) has released Safety Warning: 24-001 Stihl Chainsaw Toolless Fuel Cap Spill Prevention. Misaligned toolless fuel caps on Stihl chainsaws have led to recurring fuel spillage, fuel ignition, and burn injuries during wildland fire management operations.

This Safety Warning is intended to highlight the details and recommended procedures for the installation of a Stihl chainsaw toolless fuel cap, as well as how to identify and correct a misaligned, damaged, or broken fuel cap to help prevent fuel spillage.


NWCG Safety Warning: 24-001 Stihl Chainsaw Toolless Fuel Cap Spill Prevention

Advertencia de equipos 24-001: Prevención de derrames de la tapa de combustible sin herramientas de la motosierra Stihl

NWCG Alerts

The Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are now available for Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR)

Date: November 13, 2024
Contact: Incident Business Committee

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Equipment Time Recorder, PMS 350-51 and NWCG Position Task Book for Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR), PMS 311-51 are now available.

The Performance Support Package, which for EQTR, includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.


NWCG Equipment Time Recorder Position Page

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Equipment Time Recorder, PMS 350-51

NWCG Position Task Book for Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR), PMS 311-51

The Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are now available for Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC)

Date: November 13, 2024
Contact: Incident Business Committee

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Personnel Time Recorder, PMS 350-53 and NWCG Position Task Book for Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC), PMS 311-53 are now available.

The Performance Support Package, which for PTRC, includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.


NWCG Personnel Time Recorder Position Page

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Personnel Time Recorder, PMS 350-53

NWCG Position Task Book for Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC), PMS 311-53