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Incident Commander Type 1

ICT1 Incident Position Description

The Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) is responsible for all aspects of emergency response, including developing incident objectives, managing incident operations, setting priorities, defining the organization of the incident management team, and the overall Incident Action Plan (IAP). The ICT1 also has responsibility for ensuring incident safety and establishing and maintaining liaison with other agencies and stakeholders participating in the incident. The ICT1 supervises all Command and General Staff (C&G) positions and reports to the Agency Administrator (AA).

​The ICT1 performs position duties commensurate with Type 1 incident complexity and characteristics stated in the Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations (Red Book).

Leadership Level 4, Leader of Leaders (Provide Direction)

  • For additional information review Level 4 description, expected behaviors and knowledge, suggested development goals, and self-study opportunities.

Pre-Season Preparation

  • Recruit and roster team prior to assignment.
  • Staff C&G staff positions and assist them in filling out their staffs.
  • Actively engage with staff to recruit individuals that can make appropriate fire season commitment (multiple assignments, etc.).
  • Ensure all team members are engaged in frequent communication and assist if normal job requirements conflict with team commitments.

Prepare and Mobilize

  • Ensure individual and team readiness.
  • Gather critical information pertinent to the assignment and disseminate it to the C&G.
  • Discuss team configuration and size with requesting agency.
  • Establish a method of travel and team arrival time and location.
  • Contact C&G to confirm the mobilization status of team members.
  • Travel to incident and monitor the team’s mobilization status.
  • Meet with the AA to receive in-briefing, the delegation of authority or letter of expectation, and all other pertinent information and documentation for the incident/event.

Build the Team

  • Ensure team configuration, size, and qualifications are commensurate with incident complexity and meets the expectations of the requesting agency. Review the complexity analysis for current and expected conditions.
  • Assemble appropriate team members and receive an in-brief of the current incident status.
  • After the in-brief and team shadow period, establish a common operating picture with section chiefs and C&G.
  • Establish effective relationships with relevant personnel such as cooperators, other jurisdictional entities, external, and internal partners, etc.
  • Provide for training opportunities as appropriate.
  • Meet with the AA to accept the assignment and communicate any follow-up issues.

Supervise and Direct Work Assignments

  • Establish objectives; communicate priorities and expectations based on AA’s direction.
  • Develop and implement plans and gain concurrence of affected agencies and/or the public.
  • Continually evaluate whether objectives are achievable given available resources and environmental, political, or socio-economic conditions.
  • Monitor status and support C&G staff positions.
  • Identify political or agency issues that may impact the team or the incident.
  • Determine the need for cooperator meetings and work with the Liaison Officer (LOFR) to coordinate.
  • Establish team meeting schedule based on the tempo of the incident and schedule of deliverables.

Perform Incident Commander Type 1-Specific Duties

  • Complete a daily review of the Delegation of Authority, complexity analysis, and incident objectives. Communicate status with AA.
  • Participate in any conference calls or meetings as established by agencies.
  • Review the Incident Status Summary (ICS 209) for currency and accuracy.
  • Review and approve the IAP for accuracy and completeness.
  • Schedule and attend community meetings as needed.
  • Coordinate interdependent activities with stakeholders and cooperators involved in incident activities.
  • Approve press releases as directed from the Delegation of Authority.
  • Consider smoke impacts to sensitive areas.
  • Ensure incident financial accountability and expenditures meet agency policy and standards.
  • Ensure transfer of command is communicated to host unit dispatch and to all incident personnel.

Communicate and Coordinate

  • Follow established processes and chain of command for collecting, producing, and distributing information. 
  • Ensure a clear understanding of expectations and timely communication within and across Incident Command System (ICS) functional areas and chain of command.
  • Obtain regular updates from C&G.
  • Establish communications and exchange necessary briefings/information with the following:
    • Cooperating and assisting resources
    • Adjacent incidents
    • AA
    • Dispatch and Coordinating centers/agencies
  • Conduct an After Action Review (AAR) with team members before release.

Manage Risk

  • Ensure risk management processes are maintained throughout the incident.
  • Plan for medical emergencies. Ensure assigned resources are prepared to execute the Medical Plan (ICS 206 WF). Ensure familiarity with medical responders, communication procedures, and the transportation plan. Manage the medical emergency based on procedures stated in the IAP, Medical Incident Report, or other relevant guidelines.
  • Ensure that safety receives priority consideration in all incident activities and the safety and welfare of all incident personnel and the public are maintained.
  • Ensure work/rest policy and guidelines are managed for assigned personnel.
  • Set measurable objectives to minimize the level of risk while achieving the highest probability of success.
  • Monitor daily strategic progress and modify objectives for risk versus value.


  • Ensure all documentation is complete.
  • Ensure all original documents are provided to the host unit at the conclusion of the incident or transferred to the incoming IC if a transition occurs.
  • Maintain documentation of significant decisions.
  • Complete Incident Personnel Performance Rating (ICS 225 WF) for all C&G.
  • Crew Time Report (CTR), SF-261 (Watch: How to correctly fill out a CTR).


  • Plan for demobilization. Brief assigned resources on demobilization procedures and responsibilities. Ensure incident and agency demobilization procedures are followed.
  • Communicate and recommend demobilization timeline to AA.
  • Assist agency with complexity analysis in a timely manner to facilitate an appropriate transfer of command.
  • Return equipment and supplies to appropriate units and/or provide inventory and location of equipment and supplies to incoming IC.
  • During the transfer of command:
    • Ensure continuity of operations.
    • Exchange critical safety information.
    • Communicate transfer of authority through the established chain of command.
  • Anticipate potential resource needs for the incoming organization.
  • Ensure turn back standards provided by the hosting units/jurisdictions are completed and/or addressed.
  • Ensure team members travel after appropriate rest and all C&G staff arrive safely at their regular duty station.
USWDS Paragraph Bundles

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