The Fixed Wing Base Manager is a technical specialist functioning under Air Operations. The FWBM reports to either the local Aviation Officer, incident Air Operations, Center Manager or Airtanker Base Manager as appropriate.
Major Duties
- Orders and secures all necessary ground facilities, supplies and services required at the operating base. Requests communications and operations support through the air support group supervisor.
- Ensures adequate staffing, supervises and assigns specific duties to assigned base personnel including Ramp Manager, Parking Tenders, Drivers, and other base help.
- Develops and implements accountability, safety and security measures for personnel and resources and is thoroughly familiar with and enforces all safety requirements for their work area.
- Is responsible for compliance with agency and state safety and health requirements for the work area.
- Serves as a liaison to airport management, federal, state, and local officials and fixed base operators.
- Conducts briefings with base personnel and contractors.
- Secures a priority list of air missions and schedule of flights.
- Obtains pertinent information on each aircraft assigned to the base.
- Coordinates all flights with the dispatch office.
- Maintains records on aircraft, equipment, and personnel assigned to the base.
- Receives overhead, crews, and supplies and verifies arrangements for transportations to assigned destination.
- Regulates movement of assigned aircraft, motor vehicles, and personnel on the airfield.
- Supervises the demobilization of Unit personnel equipment and supplies.
Knowledge Required by the Position
- RAMP manager qualified is necessary for position.
- Knowledge of various types of fixed wing aircraft used by state and federal agencies to ensure safe and efficient operations.
- Safety Requirements of airbase operations area
- Computer skills for tracking and reporting
- Familiar with logistical acquisition per mission
- Able to order necessary personnel
- Obtains and maintains necessary information, materials, and equipment
- Supervise positions under span of control
Supervisory Controls
The Supervisor assigns work and sets priorities, provides objectives, and deadlines.
The employee plans, organizes and carries out recurring work without detailed instructions.
Completed work is usually evaluated for technical soundness and conformity to policy and requirements.
Employee will utilize and adhere to the Interagency Airtanker Base Operations Guide, the local Airtanker Base Supplement or Operations Plan, Interagency Standards for Fire and Aviation Operations, Interagency Single Engine Airtanker Operations Guide, Aircraft Contracts, Lot acceptance and Quality Control, and Health and Safety Code.
The employee will refer needed deviations or questions to the supervisor or higher level while performing airtanker base operations activities.
Complexity/Scope and Effect
FWBM will need to be proficient at managing multiple types of aircraft and RAMP personnel, including strong command of coordination and supervisory skills. Employee needs to conduct daily briefings as well as pre-mission briefings. FWBM needs to have and develop required operational and safety plans, and an understanding of applicable contracts and serve as an administrator of these contracts and familiar with payment process. Serve as the main POC of issues or needs that arise within the span of control.
Personal Contacts/Purpose of Contacts
Employee will establish and maintain contact with the ordering dispatch and/or a local point of contact. Whether it be Air Operations of an IMT, Dispatch, or a Local Aviation manager. This will set protocols, expectations, and chain of command. The following lines of contact should also be made (if applicable): Procurement, Contracting, Safety, Maintenance, Pilots, and Vendors. Once an area of operation is established a working relationship with the local airport management, fixed base operators, tower personnel, airport fire personnel, and airport tenants should be established to ensure a safe and efficient operation.
Physical Demands/Work Environment
No fitness level required for position. However, some work duties may involve working on a RAMP and lifting and moving gear/equipment.
Position Needs
Please reference agency training qualification guides for specific training requirements.