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NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire (PMS 205)

Title Steward Status Definition
fuel condition FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

Relative flammability of fuel as determined by fuel type and environmental conditions.

fuel continuity FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

The degree or extent of continuous or uninterrupted distribution of fuel particles in a fuel bed thus affecting a fire's ability to sustain combustion and spread. This applies to aerial fuels as well as surface fuels.

fuel depth FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

The average distance from the bottom of the litter layer to the top of the layer of fuel, usually the surface fuel.

Fuel Dryness Level FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

A quantitative measure of fuel moisture and receptability to ignition as determined by an accepted Fire Danger Rating System index that influences fire growth, intensity, or activity.

fuel group FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

An identifiable association of fuel elements of distinctive species, form, size, arrangement, or other characteristics. General fuel groups are grass, brush, timber, and slash.

fuel loading FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee, FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

The amount of fuel present expressed quantitatively in terms of weight of fuel per unit area. This may be available fuel (consumable fuel) or total fuel and is usually dry weight.

fuel management FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

Act or practice of controlling flammability and reducing resistance to control of wildland fuels through mechanical, chemical, biological, or manual means, or by fire, in support of land management objectives.

fuel model FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

Simulated fuel complex for which all fuel descriptors required for the solution of a mathematical rate of spread model have been specified.

fuel modification FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

Manipulation or removal of fuels to reduce the likelihood of ignition and/or to lessen potential damage and resistance to control (e.g., lopping, chipping, crushing, piling and burning).

fuel moisture analog FBSC Fire Behavior Subcommittee Approved

Device that emulates the moisture response of specific classes of dead fuels, constructed from organic or inorganic materials (e.g., half-inch ponderosa pine dowels representing ten-hour timelag fuels).

fuel moisture content FBSC Fire Behavior Subcommittee Approved

The quantity of moisture in fuel expressed as a percentage of the weight when thoroughly dried at 212 degrees F.

fuel moisture indicator stick FBSC Fire Behavior Subcommittee Approved

A specially prepared stick or set of sticks of known dry weight continuously exposed to the weather and periodically weighed to determine changes in moisture content as an indication of moisture changes in wildland fuels.

fuel reduction FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

Manipulation, including combustion, or removal of fuels to reduce the likelihood of ignition and/or to lessen potential damage and resistance to control.

fuel size class FBSC Fire Behavior Subcommittee Approved

A category used to describe the diameter of down dead woody fuels. Fuels within the same size class are assumed to have similar wetting and drying properties, and to preheat and ignite at similar rates during the combustion process.

fuel temperature FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

The temperature reading measured from a fuel stick fully exposed to sunlight, above a representative fuel bed, using one of two methods (within a 3/4-inch or across a 1/2-inch pine dowel).

fuel tender NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Any vehicle capable of supplying engine fuel to ground or airborne equipment.

fuel treatment FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

Manipulation or removal of fuels to reduce the likelihood of ignition and/or to lessen potential damage and resistance to control (e.g., lopping, chipping, crushing, piling and burning).

fuel type FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

An identifiable association of fuel elements of distinctive species, form, size, arrangement, or other characteristics that will cause a predictable rate of spread or resistance to control under specified weather conditions.

fuels wet flag FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

A one-character code indicating whether or not fine fuels are wet or dry.

fugitive color SEATB Single Engine Airtanker Board, IAB Interagency Airtanker Board Approved

A coloring agent used in fire retardants that is designed to fade rapidly following retardant application in order to minimize the visual impacts of the retardant.

fulfillment comment IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Communication about the request and fulfilling that request

fulfillment status IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Indicates the state of the request.

full-thickness burn RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

A burn involving all the layer of the skin. Muscle layers below the skin and bones may also be damaged. Areas of the skin may be charred black or areas that are dry and white.

fume RMC Risk Management Committee, FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

An airborne irritating, noxious, or toxic smoke, vapor, or any combination of these produced by a volatile substance or a chemical reaction.

function NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

In ICS, function refers to the five major activities: command, operations, planning, logistics and finance/administration.

Funding Agency

agency providing funding for treatment or activity. May or may not be the same as location Agency.

Funding Department

Department providing funding for treatment or activity. May or may not be the same as location Department.

Funding Region

Region providing funding for treatment or activity. May or may not be the same as location Region.

Funding Source

For Fuels:List of available funding sources: Fuels Management Regular (FMReg), Fuels BIL Admin (FMBILAdmin), Fuels BIL Control Locations (FMBilControlLocations), Fuels BIL Laborers (FMBilLaborers), Fuels BIL Prescribed Fire (FMBilPrescribedFire), FuelsBIL Thinning (FMBilThinning), Fuels BIL Regular (FMBilReg), Fules Disaster Relief (FMDisasterRelief)
For Post Fire:Fuels (all), Post-fire (ES), BAR (all), BIL (?), Fules Disaster Relief (FMDisasterRelief)?

Funding Sub Unit

SubUnit only displayed for BLM

Funding Tribe

Tribe displayed only for BIA

Funding Unit

Unit providing funding for treatment or activity. May or may not be the same as location unit.

fusee ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A colored flare designed as a railway warning device, widely used to ignite backfires and other prescribed fires.

Gallons per Minute ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

The measure of water flow in firefighting. It is used to measure the output of wildland and structural fire engines, pumps, hose streams, nozzles, hydrants, and water mains.

gap IASS Interagency Aerial Supervision Subcommittee Approved

Weak or missed area in a retardant drop or in a fireline.

gate valve ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A valve with a gate-like disk that moves up and down at right angles to the flow when actuated by a stem screw and hand wheel. Gate valves are best for service that requires infrequent valve operation and where the disk is kept either fully open or closed. 

gear pump ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Positive displacement pump which uses closely meshed gears to propel water when high pressures and low volumes are desired; can be used safely only with clear water-- suspended particles of soil or rocks can quickly wear the gears and reduce pressure and volume of water. 

general cause CEPC Communication, Education, and Prevention Committee Approved

Agency or circumstance which started a fire or set the stage for its occurrence.

general fire weather forecast FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

A forecast, issued daily during the regular fire season to resource management agencies, that is intended for planning of daily fire management activities, including daily staffing levels, prevention programs, and initial attack on wildfires.

General Origin Area WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

The larger area where the fire first established itself and is identified by an analysis of the fire behavior context, macroscale fire pattern indicators, and witness statements.

General Schedule Employee IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

A regular federal government employee who is compensated under the General Schedule (GS) Pay Plan.

General Staff NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

A group of incident personnel organized according to function and reporting to the Incident Commander or Unified Command. The ICS General Staff consists of the Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, Finance/Administration Section Chief.

general status IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

Indicates whether the resource is available or unavailable to fill a capability request.

general winds FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

Large scale winds caused by high- and low-pressure systems but generally influenced and modified in the lower atmosphere by terrain.

geographic area NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

A boundary designated by governmental agencies (wildland fire protection agencies) within which they work together for the interagency, intergovernmental planning, coordination, and operations leadership for the effective utilization of emergency management resources within their area. There are ten geographic areas. A listing of the areas can be found in the National Interagency Mobilization Guide, Chapter 70 along with listings of the Geographic Coordinating Areas and Geographic Area Coordination Centers.

geographic area code NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

A code that identifies one of the wildland fire geographic areas.

Geographic Area Coordinating Group FMB Fire Management Board Approved

An interagency body of fire management representatives from each federal and state land management agency within a nationally recognized regional area that provides leadership and support to facilitate safe and efficient fire management activities. Working collaboratively, a GACG's mission is not only for wildland fire emergencies, but for other emergency incidents, as necessary.

Geographic Area Coordination Center NCSC National Coordination System Committee, FMB Fire Management Board Approved

The physical location of an interagency, regional operation center for the effective coordination, mobilization and demobilization of emergency management resources. A coordination center serves federal, state and local wildland fire agencies through logistical coordination of resources throughout the geographic area, and with other geographic areas, as well. Listings of geographic coordination centers and their respective geographic coordinating areas can be found within the National Interagency Mobilization Guide. 

Geographic Area Coordination Center Approved
Geographic Area Coordination Center Abbreviation Approved
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