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NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire (PMS 205)

Title Steward Status Definition
regular government employee IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

Includes any individual hired under authorities other than the AD Pay Plan for Emergency Workers. Federal general schedule and federal wage system employees are included in this category.

rehabilitation IFPC Interagency Fire Planning Committee Approved

Efforts undertaken within three years of a wildland fire to repair or improve fire damaged lands unlikely to recover to a management approved conditions or to repair or replace minor facilities damaged by fire.

rekindle CEPC Communication, Education, and Prevention Committee Approved

Re-ignition due to latent heat, sparks, or embers or due to presence of smoke or steam.

Relative Greenness FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

An NDVI-derived image of vegetation greenness compared to how green it has been historically.

Relative Humidity FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

The ratio of the amount of moisture in the air, to the maximum amount of moisture that air would contain if it were saturated. The ratio of the actual vapor pressure to the saturated vapor pressure.

relay ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Use of two or more fire pumps to move water a distance which would require excessive pressures in order to overcome friction loss if only one pump were employed at the source.

relay tank ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A tank, usually collapsible, used as a reservoir in the relay of water from one fire pump to another.

release order NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Archived

The order that defines when personnel and/or equipment will be ready for release from an incident.

released (at incident) Proposed New

A resource on a filled request has been released, but the demobilization travel has not started.

relief valve ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A pressure-controlled device which bypasses water at a fire pump to prevent excessive pressures when a nozzle is shut down.

reload base IABS Interagency Airtanker Base Subcommittee Approved

An airfield where airtankers are reloaded but not permanently stationed.

Remote Automatic Weather Station FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee, FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

A weather station that transmits weather observations via GOES satellite to the Wildland Fire Management Information system.

repair comments Approved
Repair Status Approved
repeater NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

A radio signal station that automatically relays a radio transmission, sometimes over a different frequency, thereby increasing the range of transmission. Repeaters are often named for the mountaintops or peaks where they are installed.

report time (resources) WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

Elapsed time from fire discovery until the first personnel charged with initiating action for fire suppression are notified of its existence and location.

reportable fire WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

Any wildfire that requires fire suppression to protect natural resources or values associated with natural resources, or is destructive to natural resources.

reporting locations IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

Location or facilities where incoming resources can check-in at the incident. Check-in locations include: incident command post (resources unit), incident base, camps, staging areas, helibases, helispots, and direct to the line. Check-in at one location only. 

reporting unit FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

The entity submitting a given incident report.

Representative Fraction Approved

A scale that expresses the ratio of th emap distance to the ground distance in ‘SAME’ units of measurements. It is usually written as a fraction or ratio.

request managing dispatch center NCSC National Coordination System Committee In Development
request number IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

As resources are ordered to respond to an incident, Request Numbers (occasionally referred to as a resource order number) are issued. The order number includes the incident number, an alpha character (S = Supplies, E = Equipment, O = Overhead, A = Aircraft, C = Crews, M = Agency Provided Medical Care) followed by a sequential number.

required experience IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

Documented, satisfactory performance in a specified position needed to qualify for another (usually higher level) position. Required experience cannot be challenged.

required training IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

A course or courses that must be completed prior to initiating a position task book. Training which has been identified as required cannot be challenged; an agency equivalent course may be used as a substitute when the course meets or exceeds a required course's learning and performance objectives. 

rescue RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

Saving a life from fire or accident; removing a victim from an untenable or unhealthy atmosphere.

rescue medical RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

Any staffed ground vehicle capable of providing medical services.

rescue medical vehicle RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

Any staffed ground vehicle capable of providing emergency medical care and staffed with appropriate number of trained personnel and equipment for that incident.

reserve IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

In wildland fire suppression terminology resources not assigned to a specific task, but available for assignment.

reserved Proposed New

The resource has been assigned to a request but has not started travel. Either no travel has been assigned, or if travel has been assigned, the ETD has not yet passed.

residence time FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

The time, in seconds, required for the flaming front of a fire to pass a stationary point at the surface of the fuel. The total length of time that the flaming front of the fire occupies one point.

residences destroyed quantity FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

The total number of residences destroyed, or damaged to an extent requiring rebuilding, as a result of the fire. Residence is defined as a place where one lives; a house, apartment, or other shelter used as the residence of a person, family or household. This includes primary and secondary residences.

residences threatened quantity wfnwcgorg:NISC Approved

The total number of residences threatened by the fire. Residence is defined as a place where one lives; a house, apartment, or other shelter used as the residence of a person, family or household. This includes primary and secondary residences. Residences are threatened if they are at risk of loss or damage, or endangered during the course of the fire. This includes, but is not limited to, residences subject to mandatory evacuation.

residual combustion stage FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

The smoldering zone behind the zone of an advancing fire front.

residual smoke FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

Smoke produced by smoldering material. The flux of smoke originating well after the active flaming combustion period with little or no vertical buoyancy and, therefore, most susceptible to subsidence inversions and down-valley flows.

resilience WUIMC Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Committee Approved

In general, the ability of a system (ecological or human) to resist damage and recover from a disturbance. In ecology, resilience refers to the ability of the system to return to the pre-disturbed state with no assessment of whether that state is desirable or not. From a social perspective, resilience references the ability to return to the original state but also refers to the ability to recover to a state more likely to resist or recover quickly from future disturbances.

resiliency WUIMC Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Committee Archived

At a general level used to refer to the ability of a system (ecological or human) to resist damage and recover from a disturbance. In ecology, resiliency tends to refer to the ability of the system to return to the pre disturbance state with no assessment of whether that state is desirable or not. From a social perspective, resilience may reference ability to return to the original state but also can refer to the ability to recover to a state more likely to resist or recover quickly from future disturbance.

resistance to control IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The relative difficulty of constructing and holding a control line as affected by resistance to line construction and by fire behavior.

resistance to line construction IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The relative difficulty of constructing control line as determined by the fuel, topography, and soil.

resource capability NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The ability of the wildland fire program to respond to current and anticipated workload needs for the area of concern.

resource capacity IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee, IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The competency level in which the overhead resource is qualified to perform a position. May also be used to define how the resource performed on a specific incident. In both cases the capacity is defined as “trainee” or “qualified”.

resource evaluation IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee In Development
resource order IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

The form used by dispatchers, service personnel, and logistics coordinators to document the request, ordering or release of resources, and the tracking of those resources on an incident.

resource program (event) (internal) NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

An event dealing with agency-specific non-fire program(s), such as forestry, mining, wildlife, fisheries, recreation, etc. Includes mechanical fuel treatment, timber operations, aerial bug-spraying projects, Rainbow gatherings, etc.

resource quantity current as of date time NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The date and time that reflects the period for which the resource counts are current.

Resource Status Board IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

Visual aid containing pertinent information regarding fire organization, current operational period resources, previous operational period resources, and next operational period resources being prepared; placed at a convenient location in fire camp for review by fireline overhead personnel on large fires. 

resource system of record NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The IRWIN username of the system that currently is the System of Record for the resource and the capabilities for that resource.

resource tracking NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

The process that all incident personnel and equipment from associated organizations use to maintain information regarding the location and status of resources ordered for or assigned to an incident.

resource value-at-risk IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

Fire suppression planning tool providing a relative expression (in five classes) of fire effects on all resources (not the value of the resources themselves).

resources (natural) IFPC Interagency Fire Planning Committee Approved

The natural resources of an area, such as timber, grass, watershed values, recreation values, and wildlife habitat.

resources [incident] NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee, IFPC Interagency Fire Planning Committee Approved

Personnel and equipment available or potentially available for assignment to incident operations and for which status is maintained. Resources are described by kind and type.

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