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NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire (PMS 205)

Title Steward Status Definition
surfactant ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A surface active agent; any wetting agent. A formulation which, when added to water in proper amounts, will materially reduce the surface tension of the water and increase penetration and spreading abilities of the water.

surge ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Rapid increase in water flow which may result in a corresponding pressure rise.

surplus property ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Any excess personal property not required for the needs and the discharge of the responsibilities of all federal agencies as determined by the General Services Administration (GSA).

survival zone RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

A natural or cleared area of sufficient size and location to protect fire personnel from known hazards while inside a fire shelter. Examples include rock slides, road beds, clearings, knobs, wide ridges, benches, dozer lines, wet areas, cleared areas in light fuels, and previously burned areas. These are all areas where you expect no flame contact or prolonged heat and smoke. 

suspended fuel WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

A wildland fuel that is suspended off the ground in such a way that fire may burn both over and under it.

Sustainability Approved
sustained attack IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

Continuing fire suppression action until fire is under control.

swamper (dozer) HTTFS Hazard Tree and Felling Subcommittee Approved

A worker on a dozer crew who pulls winch line, helps maintain equipment, etc., to speed suppression work on a fire.

swamper (faller/sawyer) HTTFS Hazard Tree and Felling Subcommittee Approved

A worker who assists fallers and/or sawyers by clearing away brush, limbs and small trees. Carries fuel, oil and tools and watches for dangerous situations.

swampout HTTFS Hazard Tree and Felling Subcommittee Approved

Act of clearing brush and other material from around the base of trees and where trees are to be bucked, prior to falling or bucking, as protection against saw kickback and to provide safe footing.

swivel ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

An accessory used between the helicopter cargo hook and sling load to allow free turning of the load.

synoptic FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

Literally, at one time. Thus, in meteorological usage, the weather conditions over a large area at a given point in time.

synoptic chart FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

In meteorology, any chart or map on which data and analyses are presented that describe the state of the atmosphere over a large area at a given moment in time.

systematic methodology WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

The systematic application of methods, procedures, and techniques common to the field of wildand fire investigation as regularly applied to solve the problems of the investigation within each specifc scene's conditions and needs.

T-card NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

Cards filled out with essential tracking information for each resource they represent. The cards are color-coded to represent different types of resources.

Tactical Decision Game LC Leadership Committee Approved

A simple role-play simulation technique that challenges participants to make decisions and communicate those decisions to others. A tactical decision game is an experiential learning method that is tactical in nature and has time and information constraints to put participants under some level of stress.

tactical direction IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Direction given by the operations section chief which includes the tactics appropriate for the selected strategy, the selection and assignment of resources, tactics implementation, and performance monitoring for each operational period.

tactics IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee, ICSC Incident Command Subcommittee Approved

Deploying and directing resources on an incident to accomplish the objectives designated by strategy.

tag-on SEATB Single Engine Airtanker Board, IAB Interagency Airtanker Board Approved

Connecting a (airtanker) drop to the forward part of a previous drop.

tail number NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The numerical identification of an aircraft, also known as the registration number for an aircraft, as displayed on the aircraft’s tail section.

tail rotor NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

A small rotor, mounted on the tail of a conventional helicopter, which counteracts torque of the main rotor and provides a measure of directional control.

tailboard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

Back step of a wildland or structural fire engine.

tailgate safety session RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

Brief meetings held at the beginning, during, or end of an operational period to discuss new work assignments, new work methods, changes in plans, use of tools and equipment, and recognition and protection against work hazards that may be encountered.

tandem IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Two or more units of any one type working one in front of the other to accomplish a specific fire suppression job; the term can be used in connection with crews of firefighters, power pumps, bulldozers, etc.

tank and gating system ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Tanks, doors, and release mechanism installed in aircraft for cascading fire retardants.

tank trailer ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Specialized trailer on which is mounted a tank, fire pump, hose, and ancillary equipment.

target IASS Interagency Aerial Supervision Subcommittee Approved

Specific portion of the fire on which fire retardant or water is to be dropped by airtankers or helitankers.

target hazard WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

Facilities in which there is great likelihood of loss of life or property.

task LC Leadership Committee Approved

A specific description of a unit of work activity that is a logical and necessary action in the performance of a behavior; how the behavior is demonstrated or performed in a particular context.
From PMS 310-1

task force NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

Any combination of single resources assembled for a particular tactical need, with common communications and a leader. A task force may be pre-established and sent to an incident, or formed at an incident.

temperature coefficient WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

The relative change of some measurable quantity with change of temperature, like burning time per unit length, mostly expressed as mean change per degree in percentage of mean temperature within a certain range.

Ten-hour Timelag Fuel Moisture FBSC Fire Behavior Subcommittee, FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

The moisture content of the l0-hour timelag roundwood fuels.

ten-hour timelag fuels FBSC Fire Behavior Subcommittee, FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

Dead fuels consisting of roundwood 1/4 to l-inch (0.6 to 2.5 cm) in diameter and, very roughly, the layer of litter extending from immediately below the surface to 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) below the surface.

Tender Type Approved
tentative release Proposed New

A resource may be tentatively released from At Incident so that a dispatcher can have a view of where resources are and their availability to be assigned to an incident.

Terra Torch ® ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Device for throwing a stream of flaming liquid, used to facilitate rapid ignition during burn out operations on a wildfire or during a prescribed fire operation.

terrorism NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Archived

Any premeditated, unlawful act dangerous to human life or public welfare that is intended to intimidate or coerce civilian populations or governments.

test fire FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

A prescribed fire set to evaluate such things as fire behavior, fire effects, detection performance, or control measures.

thermal belt FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

An area of mountainous slope (characteristically the middle third), where the top of the radiation inversion intersects the slope. It typically experiences the least variation in diurnal temperatures and has the highest average temperatures and, thus, the lowest relative humidity. Its presence is most evident during clear weather with light wind. 

thermal imagery FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

The display or printout of an infrared scanner operating over a fire.

thin layer FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

Layer of clouds whose ratio of dense sky cover to total sky cover is 1/2 or less.

thin sky cover FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

Sky cover through which higher clouds or the sky can be detected.

third-degree burn RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

A flesh burn in which charring occurs.

third-party case IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

An injury or illness/disease caused by a person or object under circumstances that indicate there may be a legal liability on a party other than the federal or state government.

threat IFPC Interagency Fire Planning Committee Approved

An incident likely to cause damage or danger to protected lands.

threat fire IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Any uncontrolled fire near to or heading toward an area under organized fire protection.

throw out IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

Soil pushed over the edge of a fireline by a tractor plow or dozer.

thunderstorm FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

Localized storm characterized by one or more electrical discharge(s).

thunderstorm/tornado/high winds (event) NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

An event dealing with response to a severe storm such as thunderstorms, tornado, or high winds.

tie-in IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Act of connecting a control line to another fireline or an intended firebreak.

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