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PMS 310-1

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NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications establishes minimum NWCG position qualification standards for training, experience, physical fitness, and currency for national mobilization to wildland fire incidents.

  • The NWCG member agencies develop these requirements and agree to meet them when providing resources for national wildland fire mobilization.
  • These requirements may be augmented to meet agency-specific needs, but augmented requirements may not be imposed upon cooperating agency personnel.
  • NWCG recognizes the member agencies’ authorities to jointly define and accept local position qualification requirements for local wildland fire incidents.

Position qualification requirements are located on the individual position pages of the NWCG Position Catalog. In October 2020, the format of this publication transitioned from a PDF document to a web-based format. All information is still available to print from the NWCG website. See directions and links below to print PMS 310-1 and all Position Qualification Requirements.

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1, is developed and maintained by the Incident and Positions Standards Committee (IPSC), an entity of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG).

While previous versions may contain current or useful information, previous versions are obsolete. The user of this information is responsible for confirming that they have the most up-to-date version. NWCG is the sole source for the publication.

Comments, questions, and recommendations shall be submitted to the appropriate agency program manager assigned to the IPSC. View the complete roster.

USWDS Paragraphs

The following criteria must be met for a position to be considered for inclusion in the PMS 310-1, as determined by IPSC:

  • The position supports the NWCG mission and is needed for mobilization;
  • The position is interagency in scope;
  • The proposed position has been submitted by an NWCG member agency, Geographic Area Coordinating Group, or NWCG committee;
  • A demonstrated recurring need for standardized position qualification requirements has been identified;
  • No other position exists that can accomplish these tasks; and,
  • The position qualifications are not addressed or supported by industry standards and training.

NWCG uses a performance-based approach that focuses on verifying the capabilities of personnel to perform as required in the various incident-related positions. This approach incorporates education, training, and experience to build proficiency and establishes performance as the primary qualification criterion.

NWCG accomplishes this based on completion of required training, required experience, required physical fitness level, and certification of the applicable NWCG Position Task Books (PTB) on wildland fires, events, incidents, job activities, and in simulated exercises or classroom activities.

The primary criterion for qualification is a trainee’s performance as observed by an evaluator through the PTB. Certification is the responsibility of the agency’s certifying official. The competencies and behaviors form the basis for position-specific training, PTBs, job aids, and other performance-based documents.

Classic PTBs and Next Gen PTBs

NWCG currently has two formats of PTBs in use – Classic PTBs and Next Generation PTBs (Next Gen PTBs). Classic PTBs include competencies and behaviors, and evaluators initial those behaviors and tasks that have been evaluated. Next Gen PTBs include a Position Evaluation Table (see below for more information) and have publication dates of 2024 or later. PTBs published in 2024 may be either Classic or Next Gen, depending on the development process.

Competencies and Behaviors and Tasks

For positions that utilize the Classic PTBs

NWCG utilized a master list of the core competencies and behaviors for each position qualification.
The competencies and behaviors form the basis for position-specific training, PTBs, job aids, and other performance-based documents.
The following definitions have been established:
•    Competency – A broad description grouping core behaviors necessary to perform a specific function.
•    Behavior – A general description of an observable activity or action demonstrated by an individual in a particular context.
•    Task – A specific description of a unit of work activity that is a logical and necessary action in the performance of a behavior; how the behavior is demonstrated or performed in a particular context.
Competencies and behaviors across the Incident Command System (ICS) positions are similar. This similarity may hide critical differences in proficiency level and the environment or type of incident in which the position is expected to perform. These critical differences are typically captured in the task identified for each position.

For positions that utilize the Next Gen PTB

Rather than competencies and behaviors being identified for each position, tasks required for successful performance in a position are identified for each position and contained in the Incident Position Description and Incident Position Standards. Tasks that need to be observed and evaluated for each position are identified and included in the Next Gen PTB. 

NWCG utilized a master list of the core competencies and behaviors for each position qualification.

The competencies and behaviors form the basis for position-specific training, PTBs, job aids, and other performance-

based documents.

The following definitions have been established:

  • Competency – A broad description grouping core behaviors necessary to perform a specific function.
  • Behavior – A general description of an observable activity or action demonstrated by an individual in a particular context.
  • Task – A specific description of a unit of work activity that is a logical and necessary action in the performance of a behavior; how the behavior is demonstrated or performed in a particular context.

Competencies and behaviors across the Incident Command System (ICS) positions are similar. This similarity may hide critical differences in proficiency level and the environment or type of incident in which the position is expected to perform. These critical differences are typically captured in the task identified for each position.

Required Training

Required training provides a direct link between training and position performance to provide for responder health and safe operations on wildland fires. Required training cannot be challenged except under the following conditions:

Structural firefighters may utilize the Skills Crosswalk identified by the National Fire Academy (NFA) to apply their existing fire suppression knowledge and skills towards qualification as three NWCG incident positions: Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1), Engine Boss, Single Resource (ENGB), and Strike Team Leader Engine (STEN). 

Member agencies may establish processes for approving and documenting course equivalencies to required NWCG training by following the NWCG Course Equivalency Guidelines in the NWCG Standards for Course Delivery, PMS 901-1.

For information on interchangeable courses and course equivalency guidelines, see the NWCG Standards for Course Delivery, PMS 901-1.

Required Experience

Required experience consists of satisfactory performance in a prerequisite position and completion/certification of a position task book. Required experience can be challenged only through the recognition of prior learning process.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Use of the RPL process is determined by each NWCG member agency and only applies to positions identified in the PMS 310-1. The NWCG qualification process is performance-based and responders are required to meet training, experience, and physical fitness standards prior to position certification. RPL is not intended to replace this system but to provide a formal competency-based qualification process. RPL allows a certifying authority to recognize and account for competence acquired through evaluation of an individual’s formal and informal learning and experience, to determine the extent to which the individual has achieved the required competencies to perform effectively in a specific NWCG, 310-1 position. Under RPL, required training and fitness for the specific position must be attained; this includes all required prerequisite position Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) identified ICS courses for national mobilization. The RPL process is outlined in the NWCG Standards for Recognition of Prior Learning, PMS 309.

Physical Fitness Level

Personnel must meet established physical fitness levels for wildland fire assignments. Agencies may determine the method of evaluating the physical fitness level of their personnel. The testing method should be a measurable evaluation process. The following levels of physical fitness have been established.

  • Arduous – Duties involve fieldwork requiring physical performance calling for above-average endurance and superior conditioning. These duties may include an occasional demand for extraordinarily strenuous activities in emergencies under adverse environmental conditions and over extended periods of time. Requirements include running, walking, climbing, jumping, twisting, bending, and lifting more than 50 pounds; the pace of work typically is set by the emergency situation.
  • Moderate – Duties involve fieldwork requiring complete control of all physical faculties and may include considerable walking over irregular ground, standing for long periods of time, lifting 25 to 50 pounds, climbing, bending, stooping, squatting, twisting, and reaching. Occasional demands may be required for moderately strenuous activities in emergencies over long periods. Individuals usually set their own work pace.
  • Light –Duties mainly involve office-type work with occasional field activity characterized by light physical exertion requiring basic good health. Activities may include climbing stairs, standing, operating a vehicle, and long hours of work, as well as some bending, stooping, or light lifting. Individuals can usually govern the extent and pace of their physical activity.
  • None Required – Positions that do not require a physical fitness level.

Currency Requirements

Currency for a position can be maintained by successful performance within the given timeframes in that position or successful performance as a Trainee or Qualified in identified positions. The maximum time allowed for maintaining currency is three years for air operations, faller, and dispatch positions. All other positions have a five-year currency requirement.

Other Training Which Supports Development

Personnel are not required to complete any training under the ‘Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills’ unless specifically identified by their agency. The identified training provides additional opportunities to support position development.

Certification and Recertification

Agency certification and documentation of completion of the PTB are the responsibility of the employing agency. This certification indicates the individual is qualified to perform in a specific position.

Each member agency is responsible for annually certifying qualifications of its personnel based upon NWCG position qualification standards. This responsibility includes evaluation of personnel for recertification in cases where position qualifications are no longer valid due to a lack of current experience.

Certification and recertification are subjective determinations each individual agency must make based on position task evaluations, position performance evaluations, and judgment of the quality of an individual’s experience.

Agency personnel cannot function in the role of the certifying official for contractors except where formal agreements are in place.

Casual or emergency workers must meet the hiring or certifying agency’s position qualification standards.

Technical Specialists

Technical Specialists are personnel with specialized skills gained through educational degree programs or industry training of established standards. These personnel may perform the same duties during an incident that they perform in their regular job and may have supplemental training in order to use their specialized skills when assigned to wildland fire incidents.

Although position codes have been assigned to Technical Specialist positions that can be used within the ICS, no minimum qualifications have been established by NWCG. Standards for Technical Specialist qualifications are determined by the agency.

Revision of the PMS 310-1

A formal revision of the PMS 310-1 occurs annually; however, changes may be made at any time based on the impacts of the requested change, as determined by IPSC.

Revision Process

  • Proposed changes to existing positions, requests for new positions, and changes to position qualification standards (including PTB) will be submitted on the IPSC Request for Change (RFC) form form and must include the following information/attachments:
    • Justification of the need for the new or revised position change utilizing the above Criteria for NWCG Position Qualifications
    • Mobilization statistics demonstrating position need and use
    • New or revised Incident Position Description
    • New or revised Position Task Book
    • New or revised PMS 310-1 qualification sheet (Word), including a summary of changes
    • Transition plans for qualified and trainee responders for new positions and when required training or required experience are added to existing positions. Transition plans are not needed for currency changes
    • Impacts on training development and maintenance plan, if applicable
  • For new positions or changes to existing position titles, a request for change must be submitted to the Position Naming Board before the package is submitted to IPSC
  • IPSC will review the package and appropriately vet it through NWCG committees and subject matter experts to assess impacts, and gain agency approval
  • The deadline for the submittal of the complete PMS 310-1 package, with all the required documents listed above, is the IPSC September meeting. The IPSC October meeting is the final opportunity for a consensus support/no support decision for PMS 310-1 changes. After the IPSC September meeting, any new PMS 310-1 proposed changes will go into the following year’s PMS 310-1 revision cycle.

    Schedule of Deliverables:
    • Completed PMS 310-1 package presented to IPSC during September meeting
    • IPSC agency representatives vet proposed changes across agencies
    • Final opportunity for a consensus support/no support vote taken at IPSC October meeting
    • January 310-1 package submitted to NWCG, IQS, and IQCS on November 1
    • Revised PMS 310-1 released the third week of January
  • The requesting party will be notified through official IPSC correspondence of the outcome of the request and, if accepted, the timeframe for implementation.
  • Implementation occurs the third week of January except when critical health and safety issues arise that must be addressed immediately.

Transition Plan Guidance

Transition plans are designed to explain to the field how the approved changes will affect those currently qualified in the position as well as those currently in a trainee status. The information for the transition plan will need to be submitted to the IPSC with the RFC.

Transition plans are necessary for the following position changes:

  • Addition of Required Training
  • Addition of Required Experience
  • Creation of New Position
  • New or Revised Position Task Book

Transition plans are not needed for changes to currency or removal of required or recommended training.

Changes to Required Training and Experience

The process of historical recognition is generally utilized for current qualified responders when changes to required training and experience are implemented. This means existing qualified responders will not be required to attend the new required training or attain the position experience prerequisite. Current trainees must complete the new required training or experience component before becoming qualified in the position.

Historical Recognition Example:


Qualified ACDP: To minimize the impact to the field, the process of historical recognition for ACDP will be used for all current qualified responders upon release of the MONTH 20XX PMS 310-1 Position Catalog.

ACDP Trainees: All current ACDP trainees will be required to meet the new qualification requirements as outlined in the PMS 310-1 Position Catalog.

Effective Date:  This change will be enforced in IQCS/IQS when the PMS 310-1 Position Catalog is published in MONTH 20XX.

Non-Historical Recognition Example:

Qualified UASL with Single Resource Boss Qualification: All current UASL responders with a Single Resource Boss qualification meet the new 20XX PMS 310-1 Position Catalog requirement and will continue as qualified UASL

Qualified UASL without Single Resource Qualification: All current UASL responders that do not meet the Single Resource Boss qualification requirement will be put into unqualified status upon release of the MONTH 20XX PMS 310-1 Position Catalog, until they become SRB qualified.

UASL Trainee: All current UASL trainees that do not meet the Single Resource Boss requirement will be put into unqualified status upon release of the MONTH 20XX PMS 310-1 Position Catalog, until they become SRB qualified. UASL trainees with a SRB qualification meet the new 20XX PMS 310-1 requirement and will continue as UASL trainees.

Effective Date: This change will be enforced in IQCS/IQS when the PMS 310-1 is published in MONTH 20XX.

Creation of New Position

When new positions are created in the PMS 310-1, qualified responders will need to be identified for the new position. There need to be qualified responders to serve as trainers. Transition plans should include either:

  • A list of individuals who will serve as qualified responders in the new position.
  • Criteria for agencies to utilize so that they can identify individuals to serve as qualified responders in the new position.

New or Revised Position Task Book (PTB)

If a new or revised PTB has been approved, the transition plan will need to address how current trainees in the position will be impacted. Review the position task book information and include the following language in the transition plan:

When a new or revised PTB is published, current trainees with an initiated PTB (including those individuals re-initiating or re-certifying) and at least one documented experience should continue to use their current PTB. Individuals with no tasks completed will use the new or revised PTB. Currently qualified individuals will not be affected by the transition to new or revised PTBs.

Example Language for Position Task Book Change Transition Plan:

Coordination: The new mnemonic for Helibase Manager will be HEBM. The current HEB1 and HEB2 position task books (PTB) will be merged into one PTB. One additional task will be added to the PTB for HEBM to reflect helibase complexity.

HEB2 Trainees: Current HEB2 trainees will be required to meet the HEBM position requirements upon release of the MONTH 20XX PMS 310-1. Trainees will transition to the new HEBM PTB; however, documentation of position performance in the HEB2 PTB should still be considered towards certification. Trainees initiating a PTB after MONTH 20XX will use the HEBM PTB.

Revision Process

  • Proposed changes to existing positions, requests for new positions, and changes to position qualification standards (including PTB) will be submitted on the IPSC Request for Change (RFC) form form and must include the following information/attachments:
    • Justification of the need for the new or revised position change utilizing the above Criteria for NWCG Position Qualifications
    • Mobilization statistics demonstrating position need and use
    • New or revised Incident Position Description
    • New or revised Position Task Book
    • New or revised PMS 310-1 qualification sheet (Word), including a summary of changes
    • Transition plans for qualified and trainee responders for new positions and when required training or required experience are added to existing positions. Transition plans are not needed for currency changes
    • Impacts on training development and maintenance plan, if applicable
  • For new positions or changes to existing position titles, a request for change must be submitted to the Position Naming Board before the package is submitted to IPSC
  • IPSC will review the package and appropriately vet it through NWCG committees and subject matter experts to assess impacts, and gain agency approval
  • The deadline for the submittal of the complete PMS 310-1 package, with all the required documents listed above, is the IPSC September meeting. The IPSC October meeting is the final opportunity for a consensus support/no support decision for PMS 310-1 changes. After the IPSC September meeting, any new PMS 310-1 proposed changes will go into the following year’s PMS 310-1 revision cycle.

    Schedule of Deliverables:
    • Completed PMS 310-1 package presented to IPSC during September meeting
    • IPSC agency representatives vet proposed changes across agencies
    • Final opportunity for a consensus support/no support vote taken at IPSC October meeting
    • January 310-1 package submitted to NWCG, IQS, and IQCS on November 1
    • Revised PMS 310-1 released the third week of January
  • The requesting party will be notified through official IPSC correspondence of the outcome of the request and, if accepted, the timeframe for implementation.
  • Implementation occurs the third week of January except when critical health and safety issues arise that must be addressed immediately.

Transition Plan Guidance

Transition plans are designed to explain to the field how the approved changes will affect those currently qualified in the position as well as those currently in a trainee status. The information for the transition plan will need to be submitted to the IPSC with the RFC.

Transition plans are necessary for the following position changes:

  • Addition of Required Training
  • Addition of Required Experience
  • Creation of New Position
  • New or Revised Position Task Book

Transition plans are not needed for changes to currency or removal of required or recommended training.

Changes to Required Training and Experience

The process of historical recognition is generally utilized for current qualified responders when changes to required training and experience are implemented. This means existing qualified responders will not be required to attend the new required training or attain the position experience prerequisite. Current trainees must complete the new required training or experience component before becoming qualified in the position.

Historical Recognition Example:


Qualified ACDP:  To minimize the impact to the field, the process of historical recognition for ACDP will be used for all current qualified responders upon release of the MONTH 20XX PMS 310-1 Position Catalog.

ACDP Trainees:  All current ACDP trainees will be required to meet the new qualification requirements as outlined in the PMS 310-1 Position Catalog.

Effective Date:  This change will be enforced in IQCS/IQS when the PMS 310-1 Position Catalog is published in MONTH 20XX.

Non-Historical Recognition Example:

Qualified UASL with Single Resource Boss Qualification:  All current UASL responders with a Single Resource Boss qualification meet the new 20XX PMS 310-1 Position Catalog requirement and will continue as qualified UASL

Qualified UASL without Single Resource Qualification:  All current UASL responders that do not meet the Single Resource Boss qualification requirement will be put into unqualified status upon release of the MONTH 20XX PMS 310-1 Position Catalog, until they become SRB qualified.

UASL Trainee:  All current UASL trainees that do not meet the Single Resource Boss requirement will be put into unqualified status upon release of the MONTH 20XX PMS 310-1 Position Catalog, until they become SRB qualified. UASL trainees with a SRB qualification meet the new 20XX PMS 310-1 requirement and will continue as UASL trainees.

Effective Date: This change will be enforced in IQCS/IQS when the PMS 310-1 is published in MONTH 20XX.

Creation of New Position

When new positions are created in the PMS 310-1, qualified responders will need to be identified for the new position. There need to be qualified responders to serve as trainers. Transition plans should include either:

  • A list of individuals who will serve as qualified responders in the new position.
  • Criteria for agencies to utilize so that they can identify individuals to serve as qualified responders in the new position.

New or Revised Position Task Book (PTB)

If a new or revised PTB has been approved, the transition plan will need to address how current trainees in the position will be impacted. Review the position task book information and include the following language in the transition plan:

When a new or revised PTB is published, current trainees with an initiated PTB (including those individuals re-initiating or re-certifying) and at least one documented experience should continue to use their current PTB. Individuals with no tasks completed will use the new or revised PTB. Currently qualified individuals will not be affected by the transition to new or revised PTBs.

Example Language for Position Task Book Change Transition Plan:

Coordination:  The new mnemonic for Helibase Manager will be HEBM. The current HEB1 and HEB2 position task books (PTB) will be merged into one PTB. One additional task will be added to the PTB for HEBM to reflect helibase complexity.

HEB2 Trainees:  Current HEB2 trainees will be required to meet the HEBM position requirements upon release of the MONTH 20XX PMS 310-1. Trainees will transition to the new HEBM PTB; however, documentation of position performance in the HEB2 PTB should still be considered towards certification. Trainees initiating a PTB after MONTH 20XX will use the HEBM PTB.

When a new or revised PTB is published, current trainees with an initiated PTB (including those individuals re-initiating or re-certifying) and at least one documented experience should continue to use their current PTB. Individuals with no tasks completed will use the new or revised PTB. Currently qualified individuals will not be affected by the transition to new or revised PTBs. 

Some PTBs have been combined to include common tasks, with additional tasks specified by position. The positions; however, have not been combined. The common tasks only need to be completed once. When the PTB is initiated, the applicable position should be identified by crossing out the non-applicable position(s) on the front cover. For each subsequent position, a new front cover and a new Verification/Certification page must be initiated. Required experience is still effective when prerequisite positions are combined in a PTB with higher organizational positions. Specific criteria for individual positions are identified on the individual position qualification page.  


A trainee must meet required position experience for PTB initiation. PTB can be initiated without the trainee first completing all required training. However, all required training must be successfully completed prior to position certification.

PTB initiation is the responsibility of the home unit. PTB may be initiated on an incident by an Incident Training Specialist (TNSP) with concurrence from the home unit.

Completion Timeframes

A PTB is valid for three years from the date of initiation. Upon documentation of the first evaluation record, the three-year time limit is reset from that new date.

The PTB will expire if is not completed in three years from the date of the PTB initiation (or date of first evaluation record). If the PTB expires, a new PTB will need to be initiated. Prior experience documented in the expired PTB may be taken into account in completion of the new PTB at the discretion of the certifying official. All current position qualification standards identified in this document must be met at the time of the new PTB initiation.

Any individual who has begun the evaluation process need not take any newly required course(s) for that position. Additionally, personnel who are qualified in a position before the implementation of this revision may retain certification at the discretion of their agency.

PTB Process

Accurate completion of PTBs is important to the position qualification process.

Front Cover

The front cover documents the trainee name, home unit/agency, and home unit phone number. It also contains the information of the individual initiating the PTB. The front cover will indicate whether a wildfire or prescribed fire assignment is required before certification.


The Verification/Certification page located on the inside front cover provides a record of the Final Evaluator’s recommendation and agency certification. The Final Evaluator will complete the Final Evaluator’s Verification section along with recommending the trainee for certification on the evaluation record. PTB Verification/Certifications may be completed in hard copy or electronically provided all documentation is available to the evaluator.  The certifying official at the home agency, when appropriate, will complete the agency certification.

Qualification Record

The left column contains a list of tasks that must be performed. If a specific standard (quality or quantity) is required, it will be specified in the task. The sequential numbering does not indicate the order in which the tasks need to be performed or evaluated.

The bullets under each numbered task are examples or indicators of items or actions related to the task that assist the evaluator in evaluating the trainee. They are not all inclusive. Evaluate and initial only the tasks, not each individual bullet.

Each task has a code associated with the type of training assignment where the task may be completed. While tasks can be performed in any situation, they must be evaluated on the specific type of incident/event for which they are coded. For example, tasks coded "W" must be evaluated on a wildfire. Performance of any task other than the designated assignment is not valid for qualification. The codes are defined as:

  • O = Other: In any situation (classroom, simulation, daily job, incident, prescribed fire, etc.).
  • I = Incident: Task must be performed on an incident managed under the ICS. Examples include wildfire, structural fire, oil spill, search and rescue, hazardous material, and an emergency or non-emergency (planned or unplanned) event.
  • W = Wildfire: Task must be performed on a wildfire incident.
  • RX = Prescribed fire: Task must be performed on a prescribed fire incident.
  • W/RX = Wildfire OR prescribed fire: Task must be performed on a wildfire OR prescribed fire incident.
  • R = Rare event: Rare events (such as accidents, injuries, vehicle or aircraft crashes) occur infrequently and opportunities to evaluate performance in a real setting are limited. The evaluator should determine, through interview, if the trainee would be able to perform the task in a real situation.

Each evaluator will complete an evaluation record sheet and enter the corresponding number to reference completed tasks in the Evaluator Record # column.

The final column is for the evaluator to initial and date when the task is completed. All tasks must be completed, initialed, and dated before the trainee can be recommended for certification in the position.

Evaluation Record

An evaluation record is required for each trainee evaluation. The evaluation record documents specific trainee performance for those specific tasks being evaluated and provides a recommendation for further trainee assignments or for certification. Additional copies of the Evaluation Record can be downloaded, and the documentation may be completed in hard copy or electronically provided all necessary documentation is available to the evaluator.

PTB Responsibilities

Home Unit/Agency

The home unit/agency is the designated agency that employs the individual. This could be at the local, state, regional, or national level. Documentation of training, experience, and the qualification process is the responsibility of the home unit/agency. Documentation of training, experience, and the qualification process for contractors is the responsibility of the contractor, except where formal agreements are in place.


The trainee is the individual seeking qualification for a position. A trainee cannot be assigned to an incident unless they are designated as a trainee on their Incident Qualification Card or other agency proof of certification.

The trainee will:

  • Ensure readiness to perform the tasks of the position before undertaking a trainee assignment.
  • Meet with the evaluator and discuss past experience and training, current qualifications, goals, and objectives of the assignment.
  • Ensure evaluators complete the evaluation record, initial completed tasks, and enter a number in the Evaluation Record # column.
  • Provide a copy of the completed PTB to the home agency and retain the original. A lost or destroyed PTB may require additional position performance assignments.


The evaluator is the person who observes the trainee and associated the task(s) being performed and documents successful performance in the PTB. The evaluator must either be qualified in the position being evaluated or supervise the trainee. If not qualified in the position, the evaluator can sign off tasks but cannot serve as the Final Evaluator.

The evaluator will:

  • Meet with the trainee and discuss past experience and training, current qualifications, goals, and objectives of the assignment.
  • Ensure the trainee has an initiated PTB from their home agency.
  • Review the tasks in the PTB with the trainee and explain the procedures that will be used in the evaluation and the objectives that should be met during the assignment.
  • Discuss with the trainee on the specific tasks that can be performed and evaluated during the assignment.
  • Accurately evaluate and record the completion of performed tasks.
  • Complete the appropriate Evaluation Record in the back of the PTB for each trainee evaluation.

Final Evaluator

A Final Evaluator must be qualified in the position they are evaluating. The Final Evaluator will complete the Final Evaluator’s Verification/Certification section inside the front cover of the PTB to recommend certification once all tasks have been evaluated.

Certifying Official

The certifying official from the home unit/agency has administrative authorization to manage the qualification system for that home unit/agency. The certifying official must review and confirm the completion of the PTB and make a determination of agency certification. This determination should be based on the trainee’s demonstration of position competencies and behaviors, as well as the completed PTB—which includes a Final Evaluator’s Verification. Only the certifying official from the home unit/agency has the authority to certify any qualifications.

Documentation for completed PTBs, including the Verification/Certification page, may be completed in hard copy or electronically provided all documentation is complete and verifiable.

Next Gen PTBs will be made available for a position when the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) process and corresponding position package has been completed for the position. If a position has not gone through IPTM, the Classic PTB will continue to be utilized for that position. Beginning in 2024, new PTBs, including those for new positions or positions which have previously not required a PTB, will be in the Next Gen PTB format, even if the position has not yet gone through the IPTM process. 

When a Next Gen PTB is published, current trainees with an initiated Classic PTB for that position (including those individuals re-initiating or re-certifying) and at least one documented experience should continue to use their current PTB. Once a Next Gen PTB is published for a position, the current “Classic” PTB will no longer be available from NWCG. Individuals with no tasks completed will use the new Next Gen PTB. Currently qualified individuals will not be affected by the transition to the Next Gen PTBs.  

Standalone PTBs 

Next Gen PTBs will be published by position, they will not be combined with other positions (for example, the way Single Resource Boss PTBs were previously combined). In instances of Classic combined PTBs where one position has gone through IPTM, that position will be removed from the Classic PTB. The Classic PTB will continue to be available for all other positions included in the combined PTB. If a Next Gen PTB is certified for a position from a Classic common PTB, common tasks will be granted to other positions in the Classic combined PTB until the Next Gen PTB is created for that position. 


A trainee must meet required position experience for PTB initiation. A PTB can be initiated without the trainee first completing all required training, unless otherwise specifically identified in the position qualification requirements. However, all required training must be successfully completed prior to position certification.

PTB initiation is the responsibility of the home unit. PTB may be initiated on an incident by an Incident Training Specialist (TNSP) with concurrence from the home unit. 

Completion Timeframes 

A Next Gen PTB is valid for three years from the date of initiation. Upon documentation of the first evaluation record, the three-year time limit is reset from that new date. 

The Next Gen PTB will expire if is not completed in three years from the date of the PTB initiation (or date of first evaluation record). If the PTB expires, a new PTB will need to be initiated. Prior experience documented in the expired PTB may be taken into account in completion of the new PTB at the discretion of the certifying official. All current position qualification standards identified in this document must be met at the time of the new PTB initiation. 

Any individual who has begun the evaluation process need not take any newly required course(s) for that position. Additionally, personnel who are qualified in a position before the implementation of this revision may retain certification at the discretion of their agency. 

PTB Process 

Accurate completion of PTBs is important to the position qualification process. 


Signature Page: 

The signature page documents three phases of the Next Gen PTB: initiation, verification, and agency certification. 

The initiation block is filled out by the home unit/agency when the Next Gen PTB is issued. It indicates that the designated individual is recognized by the home unit/agency as a trainee in the position.  

The verification block is completed by the final evaluator once the trainee has successfully met or exceeded satisfactory performance of all tasks in the Next Gen PTB and is recommended for certification by the final evaluator. 

The agency certification block is completed by the certifying official of the home unit/agency. It provides a record that the trainee has been certified and is qualified in the position. 

Position Evaluation Table: 

The position evaluation table is used to record the evaluations that a trainee receives for each training assignment. A rating must be provided for each task in the position evaluation table on every training assignment. 

The position evaluation table lists the tasks required to be evaluated for successful performance in the position. See the NWCG Incident Position Standards specific to the position, PMS 350, for explanations of each task. Additional tasks that are not required to be evaluated are covered in the Incident Position Standards. These tasks still represent standards for successful performance in the position and should be included in a comprehensive training assignment. 

The Next Gen PTB includes four columns to record ratings for each task. If the training assignment is not the first assignment for a trainee, the evaluator should review the position evaluation table and position evaluation records of the previous training assignments. A trainee does not have to complete four training assignments to be recommended for certification. The home unit will determine the appropriate number of assignments. If additional training assignments are needed, a second position evaluation table should be utilized and attached to the PTB. 

Each task must be rated during each training assignment. The evaluator will rate the performance of the tasks as follows: 

N/O = No opportunity to perform the task. 

D = Does not meet the standard for the task as described in the Incident Position Standards. 

M = Meets the standard for the task as described in the Incident Position Standards. 

E = Exceeds the standard for the task as described in the Incident Position Standards. 

The evaluator will indicate their rating of the trainee’s performance by marking their rating (N/O, D, M or E) in the column for each task in the position evaluation table. If the trainee does not meet the standard (i.e., is rated D for a task), the evaluator must provide written explanation with suggestions for improvement in the position evaluation record. This may include redirecting the trainee to the Incident Position Standards for review. Written feedback is encouraged for all other ratings. Prior to certification, the trainee must attain a rating of M or E for each of the identified tasks.  

Each task has a code associated with the type of training assignment where the task must be completed. Tasks must be evaluated on the specific types of incidents/events for which they are coded. If multiple codes are listed for a task, the task must be evaluated on one of the listed incidents/events. For example, W/S indicates the task must be performed on a wildfire or during a simulation. The codes are defined as: 

I = Incident: Task must be performed on an incident managed under the Incident Command System (ICS). Examples include wildland fire, structural fire, oil spill, search and rescue, hazardous material, and an emergency or non-emergency (planned prescribed fire or unplanned) event. 

W = Wildfire: Task must be performed on a wildfire incident. 

RX = Prescribed fire: Task must be performed on a prescribed fire incident. 

R = Rare event: Rare events such as accidents, injuries, vehicle, or aircraft crashes occur infrequently and opportunities to evaluate performance in a real setting are limited. The evaluator should determine, through interview, if the trainee would be able to perform the task in a real situation. 

S = Simulation: Task must be performed during a simulation. The simulation activity must realistically mimic the task and allow the evaluator to determine if the trainee would be able to perform the task in a real situation. 

O = Other: In any situation (classroom, simulation, daily job, incident, prescribed fire, etc.). 

Position Evaluation Record 

A new position evaluation record is required for each training assignment. The position evaluation record documents specific trainee performance for those tasks being evaluated and may provide performance recommendations for future trainee assignments. The evaluator will provide a recommendation for further trainee assignments or for certification. Additional copies of the position evaluation record can be downloaded, and the documentation may be completed in hard copy or electronically provided all necessary documentation is available to the evaluator. 

PTB Responsibilities

Home Unit/Agency 

The home unit/agency is the designated agency that employs the individual. This could be at the local, state, regional, or national level. Documentation of training, experience, and the qualification process is the responsibility of the home unit/agency. Documentation of training, experience, and the qualification process for contractors is the responsibility of the contractor, except where formal agreements are in place. 


The trainee is the individual seeking qualification for a position. A trainee cannot be assigned to an incident unless they are designated as a trainee on their Incident Qualification Card or other agency proof of certification. 

The trainee will: 

  • Review Incident Position Standards for the trainee position to ensure readiness to perform the tasks of the position. 

  • Meet with the evaluator and discuss past experience and training,   current qualifications, goals, objectives of the assignment including how they will be evaluated based on Incident Position Standards. 

Ensure evaluators complete the Position Evaluation Record and provide written explanation with suggestions for improvement if if the trainee receives a “D” (i.e., does not meet the standard) rating,   

  • Provide a copy of the completed PTB to the home agency and retain the original. A lost or destroyed PTB may require additional position performance assignments. 


The evaluator is the person who observes the trainee and associated the task(s) being performed and documents performance in the PTB. The evaluator must either be qualified in the position being evaluated or supervise the trainee. If not qualified in the position, the evaluator can sign off tasks but cannot serve as the Final Evaluator. 

The evaluator will: 

  • Review Incident Position Standards for the position being evaluated and be ready to discuss past experience and training, current qualifications, goals, and objectives of the assignment, including how they will be evaluated based on Incident Position Standards. 

  • Ensure the trainee has an initiated PTB from their home agency. 

  • Review the tasks in the PTB with the trainee and explain the procedures that will be used in the evaluation and the objectives that should be met during the assignment. 

  • Discuss with the trainee the specific tasks that can be performed and evaluated during the assignment. 

  • Accurately evaluate and record the rating of performed tasks. 

  • Provide written explanation with suggestions for improvement on the position evaluation record if the trainee does not meet the standard (i.e., is rated D for a task). This may include redirecting the trainee to the Incident Position Standards for review. This is meant as an opportunity to provide informative and constructive feedback to the trainee and the trainee’s home unit, so they know what to focus on in the future. 

  • At the conclusion of the training assignment, discuss with the trainee the training assignment, ratings, and evaluator recommendations. 

  • Complete the appropriate Evaluation Record in the back of the PTB for each trainee evaluation. 

Final Evaluator 

A Final Evaluator must be qualified in the position they are evaluating. The final evaluator must fill out the verification block of the Signature Page.  

Certifying Official 

The certifying official from the home unit/agency has administrative authorization to manage the qualification system for that home unit/agency. The certifying official must review and confirm the completion of the PTB and make a determination of agency certification. This determination should be based on the trainee’s successful demonstration of position tasks, as well as the completed PTB—which includes a Final Evaluator’s Verification. Only the certifying official from the home unit/agency has the authority to certify any qualifications. 

Documentation for completed PTBs, including the Signature page, may be completed in hard copy or electronically provided all documentation is complete and verifiable.

To retrieve the entirety of the content, including this page and the position qualifications requirements:

  1. Click the "Print PDF" button below to print this page. This will open a new window and allow you to print to a printer or a pdf.
  2. Click Print Position Qualification Requirements. This will open a new window for the position catalog. Select any or all positions and follow the directions to print this content also to a printer or a pdf.

The National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) provides national leadership to enable interoperable wildland fire operations among federal, state, Tribal, territorial, and local partners. NWCG operations standards are interagency by design; they are developed with the intent of universal adoption by the member agencies. However, the decision to adopt and utilize them is made independently by the individual member agencies and communicated through their respective directives systems.

Modified / Reviewed:

NWCG Latest Announcements

WFSTAR 2025 Core Component Module Package and 2024 Fire Year in Review Now Available

Date: March 14, 2025
Questions?  Please contact:
Joe Schindel at

The 2025 Core Component Module Package for RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR) and the 2024 Fire Year in Review are now available on the NWCG website. The 2025 Core Component Module Package provides all content needed to deliver RT-130.


2025 Core Component Module Package

2024 Fire Year in Review Module

NEW! NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053

Date: March 12, 2025
Contact: Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Committee

The NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053 provides mitigation practitioners at all experience levels with recommendations on the most effective and efficient ways to accomplish mitigation work in communities at risk to wildfire damage or destruction. The content in this guide was written in coordination with the NWCG Standards for Mitigation in the Wildland Urban Interface, PMS 052.


NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053 

Updated, NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

Date: March 11, 2025
Contact: Fire Use Subcommittee
Wildland Fire Module Unit

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430 standardizes procedures and expectations for Wildland Fire Modules (WFMs). These standards are to be used by staff, supervisors, specialists, and technicians for planning, administering, and conducting WFM operations. These standards will also be used as a measure of WFM qualifications, capabilities, and expected performance, for both Type 1 and Type 2 WFMs.


NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

NEW! NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514

Date: March 7, 2025
Contact: National Interagency Aviation Committee

The NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating airtankers on interagency wildland fires. These standards should be used in conjunction with the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision (SAS), PMS 505, NWCG Standards for Airtanker Base Operations (SABO), PMS 508, and any applicable agency plans.


NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514