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Hose – Cotton Synthetic Jacket, 1” NPSH X 100’, Rubber Lined

Water Handling
Storage and Shelf Life Checks

Initial Inspection/Disposal Criteria

  1. Segregate by NFES number.
  2. Visually inspect for burns, cuts, damaged fittings.
  3. Recycle brass fittings from disposed hose.
  4. Inspect gasket for cracks, if any replace.
  5. Return to stock if hose is banded and in unused condition.
  6. Refurbish if item passes initial inspection.
  7. Dispose of hose if it fails initial inspection or fails Testing for Performance.  Good couplings should be salvaged from any hose not repairable.

Refurbishing Procedures

A. Testing for Performance

  1. Replace gasket if necessary.
  2. Connect female end of hose to pump or manifold:
    1. Confirm connection ends are not out of round and there is no damage to threads.
    2. All 1½” hose should be NH threads. All 1” hose should be NPSH threads
  3. Pressure Test:
    1. Start pump.
    2. Make sure nozzles are open. Let all air escape from hose. Shut nozzles.
    3. Pressurize hose to 300 PSI and hold for 3 minutes.
    4. Walk the length of the hose inspecting for the following which indicate a need for repair or disposal:  burns, cuts, or leaks between hose and couplings, at swivel portion of female coupling, and along the length of the hose.
  4. Female and male couplings:
    1. Inspect for leaks where hose goes into coupling.
    2. Inspect for crooked coupling (easier to see when hose is charged).
  5. Shut down pump and relieve water pressure from system.
  6. Remove hose.
  7. Stretch out good hose to drain.

B. Cleaning

  1. Clean excess dirt from hose.
  2. Run hose through hose washer using clean water or clean water with a mild detergent or clean with high pressure wash.
  3. If detergent is used, rinse with clean water.
  4. Allow hose to drain and dry completely before rolling.

C. Repair

  1. Repaired hose shall result in lengths that are a minimum of 90 percent of original length.
  2. Good couplings shall be salvaged from disposed hose.
  3. Re-coupling procedures.
    1. Remove old expansion ring and coupling from hose.
    2. Remove unserviceable portion of hose, squaring end to be re-coupled.
    3. Utilize expander machine to insert new expander and coupling. Follow specific machine operating instructions.
    4. Refurbished hose shall result in hoses that are 90 to 100 foot in length.
    5. Following re-coupling, hose that has been repaired or recoupled should be retested at a test pressure of at least 50 percent greater than the service test pressure following Testing for Performance above.

D. Repackaging

  1. Roll in a single roll configuration with male coupling in center of roll.
  2. Secure roll (plastic band, string)
  3. Local cache option for storage.
  4. Roll, secure, and place on pallet.
    • ​NFES #000932, #001238 - Cache option.  Recommended quantity per pallet 1” X 100’ length/pallet.
    • NFES #000933, #001239 - Cache option.  Recommended quantity per pallet 1½” X 100’ length/pallet.
    • NFES #000966, #000967 - Cache option quantity per pallet.


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Questions?  Please contact:
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