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NWCG NFES Catalog Part 1: Fire Supplies and Equipment, PMS 449-1

The National Fire Equipment System (NFES) was created to provide standards for fire supplies and equipment as well as an organized method for ordering and stocking those items. The NWCG National Fire Equipment System Catalog, national in scope, reflects the items admitted to the NFES and the cache locations where they are stocked.   Each catalog item has been assigned a unique National Fire Equipment System (NFES) number for identification and ordering purposes.  The NWCG NFES Catalog consists of two parts:

NWCG NFES Catalog - Part 1: Fire Supplies and Equipment, PMS 449-1 (this page):  This portion pertains to incident fire supplies and equipment stocked by and ordered from the National Interagency Support Caches (NISC). Ordering from Part 1 is limited to federal and state agencies via the NISC located within their respective geographic areas. For questions, contact your local NISC .

NWCG NFES Catalog - Part 2: Publications, PMS 449-2:  This document contains the national interagency publications, wildland fire training course materials, and other reference materials which are stocked by and ordered from the Great Basin Cache (GBK), located at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) in Boise, Idaho. Part 2 ordering is open to all parties. Please refer to the instructions below for ordering procedures.  For questions, contact the GBK Supply Office at (208)387-5104.

All catalog item prices are adjusted annually in the spring.  Individual item prices may be subject to change without advance notice.

All NISCs perform an inventory once a year. The time frame varies among the caches. During inventory, resource orders for active incidents are the only orders processed. Routine orders are not processed during inventory. Call the NISC within your geographic area for specific information.

Comments, questions, and recommendations shall be submitted to the appropriate agency program manager assigned to the National Fire Equipment System Subcommittee.  View the complete roster.

Spreadsheet of cache items inventory and prices. Last updated 7/10/24

The Excel workbook contains the current season stocking information for each individual cache on a separate spreadsheet tab. The All Items tab combines the items for all caches – this is for the convenience of individuals who like to pull raw data into their own products to manipulate

  • Click the down arrows found in the top row to sort, filter, or search by that category.
  • Use the Search function to find text anywhere in the spreadsheet.
  • Reference the Item Tips worksheet in the spreadsheet to find cache items based on their commonly used names.

By default, each tab will be sorted numerically by NFES number. However, you can sort or filter each column in order to meet your needs (for example, sorted by Description or NSN). Additionally, filter options are enabled for the header row and can be used to further refine your selection criteria.

To learn more advanced steps in Microsoft Excel, visit Excel Help and Learning website.

Prior to mobilizing to an incident where you will want access to the data but will not have a computer and/or online access, print a hard copy of the catalog or download it for electronic access.

To Print

Each spreadsheet has been provided with a default print setting. How the data is sorted or filtered will not affect the default setup; however, modifying the structure of the spreadsheet (moving or deleting columns, changing the width, etc.) will also require modification to the print options in order to keep the data all on one page in a readable format.

To Download

The files can be downloaded to a laptop, mobile device, or removable memory stick for electronic use – just realize if you have done this, your file is a snapshot in time, and you might want to come back to this webpage and obtain a current file in the future as modifications and updates to the data can occur at any time of the year.

The following documents contain kit content reports grouped by type. Some kits have subkits; when this is the case, the subkit contents are also included in the report. [Updated for 2024].

Note: Cache vans are designed for large fire support. The contents should be unloaded at the incident base so that the trailer can return for restocking unless prior arrangements have been made with the issuing cache.

COVID-19 NFES Items Spreadsheet.

These contagious disease support items have been added to the NISC system. There are variety of products and sizes due to the high demand at a national level. NISCs may supplement due to available inventory.

For specified items, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s directions for proper mixing. Label the container with a piece of tape and magic marker. Work closely and communicate with the servicing cache on transportation and demob procedures to minimize risk. And return empty spray containers at the end of the incident.

For more information, see NMAC Memo 2020-003: Availability of PPE and Pandemic Support Items through the NISC System.

The National Interagency Support Cache system is sponsored by the National Fire Equipment System. Information for each cache includes the three-letter designation, location, and contact information. Full membership requires utilization of a common inventory program, adherence to kit and refurbishment standards, and meeting interagency training requirements. View a list of the National Interagency Support Cache system.

Each item is assigned a national standard for the Unit of Issue (U/I), which must be used when placing an order. Many items also have a Standard Pack (Std Pk) reference. Although not required, when ordering large quantities of specific equipment and supplies, it is helpful to utilize the Std Pk as it significantly decreases the time required during order fulfillment by the supporting NISC. Utilizing Std Pk also allows the NISC to ship items in standard shipping containers, making things easier and safer to handle and increasing safety considerations when returning items from receiving unit or incident back to supporting NISC.

Example: The U/I for a Pulaski is EA. Pulaskis also have a Std Pk of 10 (EA) per box. If the number of Pulaskis requested were 45, it is highly recommended that the quantity requested be 50 EA, that way the incident receives 5 full boxes, rather than 4 full boxes and an additional 5 Pulaskis packaged with other items or bundled separately.

U/I abbreviations are as follows:

  • BD = Bundle
  • BE = Bale
  • BG = Bag
  • BK = Book
  • BT = Bottle
  • BX = Box
  • CL = Coil
  • CN = Can
  • CS = Case
  • CO = Container
  • DZ = Dozen
  • DR = Drum
  • EA = Each
  • GL = Gallon
  • HK = Hank
  • IC = Inch
  • JR = Jar
  • KT = Kit
  • LB = Pound
  • LG = Length
  • OZ = Ounce
  • PA = Pallet
  • PD = Pad
  • PK = Pack
  • PG = Package
  • PZ = Packet
  • PL = Pail
  • PR = Pair
  • PT = Pint
  • QT = Quart
  • RO = Roll
  • RM = Ream
  • SE = Set
  • SH = Sheet
  • SD = Skid
  • SL = Spool
  • TU = Tube
  • YD = Yard 

A National Stock Number is provided for those items that can be purchased from Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

All prices are adjusted annually in the spring according to current costs. Typically, prices will not change unless a significant change in the cost of the item occurs during the year.

Cache item categories are utilized for return (loss tolerance/use report) and accountability purposes.

Trackable Items:

Also referred to as accountable property, these are items a NISC may track due to dollar value, sensitive property classification, limited availability, or other criteria set by each NISC.

Items that are considered trackable are usually engraved or tagged with a cache identification number.

These items must be returned to the NISC at the end of an incident. A Property Loss or Damage Report - Fire Suppression (OF 289) must be completed by the borrowing unit and/or incident and provided to the servicing NISC for any significant damage or loss.

100% accountability is expected for all trackable items.

Durable Items:

Cache items considered to have a useful life expectancy greater than one incident. These items are not specifically cache identified, tagged or engraved. A high percentage of returns for these items is expected.

Consumable Items:

These items are normally expected to be consumed during an incident. Consumable items returned in serviceable condition will be credited to the incident Examples of consumable items are: batteries, plastic canteens, cubitainers, forms, MREs, fusees, hot food containers, petroleum products, and medical supplies.

Emergency Orders

Emergency orders for incidents must be submitted via the Incident Resource Ordering Capability program (IROC) as defined within the National Interagency Standards for Resource Mobilization. For more specific regional NISC supply ordering policy and procedures, please reference the geographic area’s mobilization guide.

  • Type 1 and Type 2 incidents may be able to order directly from the servicing NISC. Incident Management Team (IMT) to NISC supply orders must use supply request numbers (S#) between S-100,000 and S-199,999. This block of numbers is assigned within IROC for usage by NISC personnel only. It allows caches to input requests received directly from an incident into the Interagency Cache Business System (ICBS). Once a request has been filled by the cache, the utilized request number and fill information transmits from ICBS back to IROC. This block of numbers allows IMTs to go direct to NISC, streamlining supply ordering efficiency and freeing up host unit dispatchers to complete normal and expanded dispatch ordering; e.g. personnel, equipment, crews, etc.

All supply resource orders submitted to a NISC require the following information:

  • Incident/Project Name
  • Incident/Project Order Number
  • Financial Codes (FireCode and/or Agency Specific Project Finance Account Information)
  • Jurisdiction/Agency
  • Ordering Office
  • Descriptive Location (Used in IROC for supply delivery)
  • Designate Desired Delivery Method: NISCs are able to ship by air or surface transportation means. Do not hesitate to ask for shipping recommendations from the NISC to ensure orders will be delivered on time to meet incident objectives.
    • Ship To:
      • Complete Shipping Address; (including physical street address, city, state, zip code)
      • Normally used for FedEx, UPS, freight deliveries, radio/RAWS deliveries, mail, etc.
    • Deliver To:
      • Latitude/Longitude for Incident Command Post (ICP) or Map Driving Directions; (use forest road numbers, landmarks, etc.).
      • Normally used for cache deliveries by government and/or AD Drivers, etc.
  • On-site Contact Full Name and Valid Contact Phone Number
  • Request Number (S#)
  • Resource Requested (Supply Item)
    • NFES Number
    • Description of Each Item
    • Quantity Requested
    • Unit of Issue (U/I) for each item (Use Standard Pack quantity when possible)
    • Date / Time Needed: Use realistic timeframes, ASAP is not acceptable.

The servicing NISC will convey fill and shipping information to the ordering office, which will include incident/project name, incident order number, S-numbers of items filled, any substitutions, and supply order numbers which were not fillable. Shipping information will include delivery method used, e.g. commercial air cargo, cache truck, FedEx, etc., and estimated time of arrival (ETA).

Emergency resource orders for an active incident are processed as "fill or kill,” meaning that if an item is not available or cannot be substituted, the S number for the item is killed and designated as Unable to Fill. Items will not be backordered. Once an S number has been killed, a new S number will need to be generated by the requesting unit and/or incident if they desire to try to order the same item again. An S number can only be used once, regardless of whether it was filled or not. It is the responsibility of the requesting unit and/or incident to track S-numbers, not the responsibility of the NISC.

Preparedness Orders

Preparedness (routine) fire supply orders should be directed to the source of supply (i.e., DLA, GSA or private vendors), not the NISC.

Incident Replacement Orders

These orders are to be submitted within 30 days of control of the incidents. NISC can only process requests for National Fire Equipment System (NFES) items. Requests for non-NFES items shall be requested on a separate Incident Replacement Requisition (OF 315) and processed by home unit.

Government Property – The incident agency should limit replacement to NFES items that are consumed, lost, damaged, or rendered unserviceable on the incident. These NFES items can be replaced at the incident or the incident can approve an Incident Replacement Requisition (OF 315); for replacement of items at home unit.

For replacement of NFES items not carried by the NISC responsible for supporting the incident (i.e., Wildland Firefighter Pants, Type II; kevlar/nomex BDUs; or gloves, brushed pigskin); replacement must be authorized using the Incident Replacement Requisition (OF 315); and should be accomplished by ordering the item(s) from Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) or other approved vendor.

See: Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations, Chapter 11, Incident Management Response.

Trackable items (also referred to as accountable property) are those items that a NISC may track due to dollar value, sensitive property classification, limited availability, or other criteria.

Items considered trackable are usually engraved or tagged with a cache identification number; these items must be carefully tracked and property records documented, as 100% accountability is expected. These items must be returned to the NISC at the end of an incident. A Property Loss or Damage Report -- Fire Suppression (OF 289) must be completed by the borrowing unit and/or incident and provided to the servicing NISC for any significant damage or loss.

Type 1 and Type 2 Incidents

On Type 1 and 2 incidents, an Incident Replacement Requisition (OF 315); must be completed for replacement of supplies and equipment and approved by the Supply Unit Leader (SUPL), Logistics Section Chief (LSC), Support Branch Director, Incident Commander (IC), or Agency Administrator/ Representative.

If equipment and supplies are available at the incident for replacement, the request should be filled by the incident Supply Unit.

If equipment and supplies are unavailable at the incident, AND the requesting resource is not being immediately demobilized, the SUPL will submit a resource order through the appropriate channels to the servicing NISC. The order will be shipped to the incident and replacement will take place at the incident Supply Unit.

Type 3 and Type 4 Incidents

On Type 3, 4, and 5 incidents, an Incident Replacement Requisition (OF 315) may be completed for replacement of supplies and equipment. The host Agency Administrator/Representative (e.g. fire management officer, district ranger, etc.) is responsible for handling incident replacement requisitions.

If equipment and supplies are available at the incident for replacement, the request is filled by the incident host unit.

If equipment and supplies are unavailable at the incident for replacement, AND the requesting resource is not being immediately demobilized, the host agency will submit a resource order through the appropriate channels to the servicing NISC. The order will be shipped to the incident and replacement will take place at the host agency.

If equipment and supplies are unavailable at the incident, AND the requesting resource is being demobilized, a completed and signed copy of Incident Replacement Requisition (OF 315) must be completed, contain authorized approval signatures, and forwarded to the servicing NISC.

The incident’s servicing NISC may forward the requisitions to the requesting unit’s NISC for processing. If a NISC is unable to fill a request, they will then forward it on to a NISC that can.

Transfer of supplies and equipment between incidents is not encouraged, due to the increased probability of accountability recording errors.

In instances when it is determined to be economically feasible and operationally advantageous, the releasing incident must document the following on the Interagency Incident Waybill (OF 316) and send to the servicing NISC to maintain proper accountability recording.

And include the following:

  • Incident/Project Name (To and From)
  • Incident/Project Order Number (To and From)
  • Financial Codes (To and From)
  • NFES Number
  • Description of Each Item
  • Quantity
  • Unit of Issue (U/I) for each item
  • Property number, if item is trackable

Hazardous material (hazmat) shipping regulations shall be strictly adhered to when transferring hazmat items.

Unsure how to classify hazmat, see Emergency Response Guidebook.

All equipment and supplies shipped from NISCs are identified on the cache issue forms. A copy of this form is included in the shipment as a packing list.

Upon delivery, all equipment and supplies become the responsibility of the ordering entity.

Trackable items will be marked with the issuing NISC’s identification. Equipment with small engines will be marked with the proper gas to oil ratio. Users are required to adhere to this ratio.

Receipt of Defective Items

Call the servicing NISC.

On Type 1 and 2 Incidents:

  • Tag any broken or defective item with the problem (if known).
  • Take the item to the supply area and let the Supply Unit Leader and/or Ordering Manager follow up by notifying the servicing NISC.

On Type 3, 4, and 5 Incidents:

  • A similar process should be followed for items obtained from a local or district cache and followed through by the procurement or operations staff.

The NFESS Committee issues NFESS Memos regarding fire equipment defects, remedies, and other issues.

Returning NFES supplies and equipment to the servicing NISC should be made in the most expeditious manner available based upon safety and cost.

Use of the Interagency Incident Waybill (OF 316) is strongly encouraged to maintain proper accountability recording.

Consumable items returned in unused condition are credited to the incident; however, used consumables should not be returned.

Durable items in usable condition or economically repairable should be returned.

  • All hose, both new and used, shall be rolled before returning to the cache.
  • Trackable items must be returned at the end of incident use to the servicing NISC. A Property Loss or Damage Report - Fire Suppression (OF 289) must be completed by the borrowing unit and/or incident and provided to the servicing NISC for any significant damage or loss.
  • Repair tags should be affixed to all power equipment. If the equipment is not operating in a satisfactory manner, please make note of the possible cause of the problem (if known) on the tag.

Communications equipment must be returned to the National Incident Radio Support Cache (NIRSC) at the National Interagency Fire Center as soon as an incident or the requirement has ended.

  • Before sealing the kit boxes, ensure the contents will not be damaged in transit. Damages will be charged to the incident.
  • Trackable (accountable) property reports are included in the communications kits and should be used as necessary to report lost or damaged equipment, in conjunction with a Property Loss or Damage Report – Fire Suppression (OF 289).
  • Each kit will have the required servicing date indicated on the container.
  • After an incident, return the kits to the servicing NISC.
  • Medical waste must be transported to a licensed facility for proper disposal. Do NOT return medical waste to the NISC.

Recycling of plastic, cardboard, and paper is strongly encouraged and is the responsibility of the incident or host agency.

Hazardous material (hazmat) shipping regulations shall be strictly adhered to when transferring hazmat items.

Unsure how to classify hazmat, see Emergency Response Guidebook.

In order to assist managers in keeping incident-related equipment and supply loss to a minimum, Type 1 and 2 incident management teams are required to maintain accountability for these items.

  • Guidelines and procedures for this accountability are provided in the NWCG Standards for Interagency Incident Business Management, PMS 902.
  • To facilitate these procedures and provide oversight, a Fire Loss Tolerance Report is provided pertaining to NFES supply item usage on all Type 1 and 2 incidents, which has been accepted by the NWCG for all wildland fire agencies.
  • These reports are compiled by the NISC providing primary support to the specific incident.
  • Reports are forwarded to the responsible Agency Administrator within 60 days of the close of the incident or as required by the servicing NISC geographic area mobilization guide.
  • The responsible Agency Administrator should review the report and recommend appropriate follow up action if losses are excessive. Those actions and recommendations should be documented and filed with the final incident records.
  • The loss tolerance use rate is defined as all property and supplies lost, damaged, or consumed on an incident.
  • This rate is reported as a percentage of the total dollar amount for items issued compared to the amount for items returned.
  • Consumable items are not included in this total.

Incident management and wildland fire suppression is an evolving technology. Field personnel who would like to suggest new items for the NFES should convey those suggestions to your area NISC manager. The NISC manager will then determine suggestion acceptance based on past and anticipated need, space and storage considerations as well as national applicability.

To initiate consideration of a new item into the NFES please e-mail the following information to your servicing NISC Manager:

1. Name and description of item.

2. Use and/or application of the item on an incident.

3. Have you used the item?

4. How did the item perform?

5. Is it better than another item that is currently used?

6. Recommended unit of issue.

7. Recommended standard pack.

8. Estimated cost.

9. Is the proposed item cheaper than something currently used?

10. Is there a dollar benefit in the value of the item and work performance?

11. Is there a safety consideration that makes the proposed item helpful?

12. What is the supply source for the proposed item?

13. Are there many vendors or just one?

14. Name, address and telephone number of known vendor(s).

15. Is the item considered a hazardous material?

16. Add any additional information that would enhance consideration of this item.

Provide your name, address, phone/e-mail in case of further questions and also to advise you of the acceptance or non-acceptance of your suggestion.

Federal Agencies are required to order thru DLA FedMall.

Access the current year DLA catalog. Access the DLA price list (xlsx).

For Navigation, Ordering Assistance, or Procedural issues, please contact the Customer Interaction Center at:

Toll Free: 1-877-352-2255
DSN CONUS/OCONUS: 877-352-2255

If GSA products are required, they can be ordered from GSA.

NIRSC User's Guide

The NIRSC User’s Guide is designed to assist communications personnel with reference material and guidelines when ordering and utilizing NIRSC frequencies and equipment.

A copy of the NIRSC User’s Guide is shipped with all Command Repeater/Link Kits (NFES# 004312) and can also be ordered through the Great Basin Cache Supply Office (GBK). This guide is updated and published annually and all Communications Unit Leaders (COMLs) and Incident Communications Technicians (COMTs) should maintain a current copy of the guide as part of their personal COML/COMT kit.

NIRSC Equipment and Frequency Ordering Process

All NIRSC equipment and frequency requests shall be processed using IROC. Equipment will not be shipped without a resource order request. No frequencies will be issued or assigned without a resource order request started or in the system. NIRSC equipment and frequencies will be requested by the incident and the request sent to NIRSC via the local ordering process.

Pricing information for NIRSC equipment can be located on the GBK tab of the NFES item spreadsheet. Please note for any radio kit showing a price of $0, the actual system pricing will vary depending on the specific components NIRSC fills the request with and cannot be calculated until time of order.

Radio Ordering Guidelines and Tips

  • NFES 004000+ series are dedicated to national radio communication system items.
  • NFES 005000+ series are dedicated to national meteorological and radio communication equipment items.
  • All supply orders placed for NFES 004000+ series must be placed up.

Realistic Date - Time Needed

  • Incoming IMTs are rarely able to deploy radio equipment at the same time they are scheduled for in-brief; this may be a consideration before placing orders.

All Orders for Radio Communication System Kits and RAWS Must Contain:

  • VALID STREET ADDRESS with ZIP CODE; PO Boxes and driving directions are NOT allowed.
  • CONTACT NAME and PHONE NUMBER of an on-scene receiving party. Refrain from listing IMT personnel enroute to an incident. Local personnel are better sources for delivery related questions.

The National Fire Equipment System Subcommittee (NFESS) provides national leadership in wildland fire equipment and supply management. One of the primary duties of NFESS is preparing and communicating fire equipment defects, remedies, and other issues through Cache Memos.

Additional resources are found on the NFESS Subcommittee homepage.

NWCG Standards for Fire Equipment Storage and Refurbishing Guide, PMS 448

NFES Evaluations

Occasionally equipment items will be shipped with an evaluation. If you should receive one, please take the time to respond. The NISCs are continually updating items per field requests and evaluations.

The NFESS committee and the caches are open to suggestions, comments and concerns regarding the NFES items and the overall effectiveness of the National Fire Equipment System. Submit your feedback to any of the NISC managers or NFESS committee members.

NWCG Latest Announcements

WFSTAR 2025 Core Component Module Package and 2024 Fire Year in Review Now Available

Date: March 14, 2025
Questions?  Please contact:
Joe Schindel at

The 2025 Core Component Module Package for RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR) and the 2024 Fire Year in Review are now available on the NWCG website. The 2025 Core Component Module Package provides all content needed to deliver RT-130.


2025 Core Component Module Package

2024 Fire Year in Review Module

NEW! NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053

Date: March 12, 2025
Contact: Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Committee

The NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053 provides mitigation practitioners at all experience levels with recommendations on the most effective and efficient ways to accomplish mitigation work in communities at risk to wildfire damage or destruction. The content in this guide was written in coordination with the NWCG Standards for Mitigation in the Wildland Urban Interface, PMS 052.


NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053 

Updated, NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

Date: March 11, 2025
Contact: Fire Use Subcommittee
Wildland Fire Module Unit

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430 standardizes procedures and expectations for Wildland Fire Modules (WFMs). These standards are to be used by staff, supervisors, specialists, and technicians for planning, administering, and conducting WFM operations. These standards will also be used as a measure of WFM qualifications, capabilities, and expected performance, for both Type 1 and Type 2 WFMs.


NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

NEW! NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514

Date: March 7, 2025
Contact: National Interagency Aviation Committee

The NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating airtankers on interagency wildland fires. These standards should be used in conjunction with the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision (SAS), PMS 505, NWCG Standards for Airtanker Base Operations (SABO), PMS 508, and any applicable agency plans.


NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514