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Strike Team Leader Heavy Equipment

Position Description


This position leads Strike Teams as assigned.


  • Ensures that subordinate resources have all equipment and supplies required to meet tactical assignment objectives.  Identifies what impacts modified suppression objectives will have on resource assignments.  Determines situations that might modify tactics. Identifies effective use of assigned resources.  Identifies and assesses values to be protected and assigns resources.
  • Determines and obtains logistics needs for assigned personnel while in staging.  Briefs supervisor and IARR on staging area arrangements and procedures.  Confirms demobilization instructions with supervisor and briefs subordinates.
  • Ensures transportation needs are met as specified in the IAP.  Coordinates any additional transportation needs through the Ground Support Unit.  Informs supervisor if transportation needs cannot be met.  Ensures assigned resources arrive at assignment location.
  • At assigned work location, briefs and assigns tasks to resources based on IAP objectives, division/group assignments, and resource capabilities following Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) format.  Briefs Single Resource Bosses using information form IAP (i.e., IAP objectives and division/group control assignments; work standards, expectations, and Incumbent Code of Conduct; weather; communication, expected fire behavior; explanation of organization).  Applies the Risk Management Process utilizing IRPG checklists throughout each operational period.  Applies minimum impact suppression tactics.
  • Coordinates activities with adjacent Strike Team/Task Force Leader(s) and single resources.  Contacts adjoining resources.  Makes list of supervisors of adjoining resources.  Informs adjoining resources of status.  Receives status of adjoining resources.  Determines communication channels with adjoining resources from IAP.  Maintains communication with assigned resources.
  • Monitors progress/work during operational period.  Receives reports from subordinate supervisor, based on briefing and work expectations.  Conducts personal observations based on work expectations.  Inspects and locates line in advance of line construction.  Assesses values to be protected.
  • Determines and provides for assistance or corrections to assigned work tasks during operational period.  Identifies needs for corrections in work tasks to meet objectives and preserve safety.  Identifies fatigue producing factors and takes corrective measures.  Contacts Division/Group Supervisor, etc., to review tactical effectiveness.  Identifies need for additional assistance, logistical support and replacements due to slow progress or unexpected events.  Identifies types of resources (air, equipment, hydraulics, etc.) and takes action to correct.  Determines assistance, logistical support, and replacements required to implement corrective action.  Evaluates recommendations from subordinate supervisors (e.g., split assignments with another division).  Assigns qualified personnel to scout line in critical areas.
  • Uses tactics applied to structure protection.  Sizes up the situation and identifies associated risks for current assignment utilizing the IRPG.  Identifies appropriate tactics for current resources.  Requests specialized resources if applicable.  Utilizes the resources available based on capabilities and limitations.
  • Completes the operational period After Action Review (AAR) with Single Resource Bosses.
  • Submits situation and resource status information to supervisor.  Informs supervisor of any change in conditions or events based on amended or adjusted work assignment or assigned resources.  Requests additional resources, logistical support, and/or replacements through supervisors based on IAP, briefings, and discussions.  Documents and reports hazards, special considerations or events in the Unit Log ICS 214 and to supervisor.
  • Fulfills administrative responsibilities.  Provides updated status and location of assigned resources to supervisor.  Establishes and confirms out-of-service time frame with supervisor.  Establishes contact or communication procedures for incident camp. Submits completed Unit Log to Documentation Unit.  Submits personnel and equipment time to Time Unit.  Meets with Training Specialist as required.

Position Knowledge and/or Requirements

  • Practical knowledge of technical methods in order to perform the full range assignments as outlined above that comprise limited projects involving the use of specialized complicated techniques.
  • Completion of S-215, Fire Operations in the Urban Interface.
  • Completion of S-330, Task Force/Strike Team Leader.
  • Must be qualified Single Resource Heavy Equipment Boss.

Supervisory Controls

  • The supervisor assigns work and sets priorities, provides objectives, and deadlines on new projects or major changes.
  • The incumbent plans, organizes, and carries out recurring work without detailed instructions.  The incumbent functions independently on directing crews and additional resources as qualified.
  • Completed work is usually evaluated for technical soundness and conformity to policy and requirements.  Methods used by the incumbent are not usually reviewed in detail.


Guidelines are available, but may be limited and have gaps in specificity.

The incumbent uses judgment in determining the appropriate actions to take by interpreting and adapting existing guidelines.


The work involves completing various different and unrelated tasks.

Decisions as to what needs to be done depend upon the incumbent analyzing many different alternatives and choosing the most appropriate one.

The work involves conditions and elements that must be identified and analyzed to discern interrelationships.

Scope and Effect

The work involves treating a wide variety of conventional problems, questions and situations in conformance with established criteria.  There may be unusual situations that arise; however, they are not ongoing.

The work product is instrumental in incident mission accomplishment.

Personal Contacts

Contacts are generally with incumbents associated with the incident, agency personnel, and others.  Contacts are in a moderately unstructured setting.

Purpose of Contacts

The purpose of contacts is to plan, coordinate, and advise on work program and resolve operational problems.

Physical Demands

Duties involve rigorous fieldwork requiring above average physical performance, endurance and superior conditioning.  Work requires prolonged standing, walking over uneven ground, and recurring bending, reaching, lifting and carrying of items weighing over 50 pounds and shared lifting and carrying of heavier items, and similar strenuous activities requiring at least average agility and dexterity.  Duties include demands for strenuous activities in emergencies under adverse environmental conditions and over extended periods of time.  Operation of some specialized fire equipment can place extended physical stress on the incumbent during fire activities.

Work Environment

The work is primarily performed in forest and range environments in steep terrain where surfaces may be extremely uneven, rocky, covered with vegetation, and in smoky conditions.  Temperatures may vary from above 100 degrees F to below freezing.  Risks include smoke inhalation, fire entrapment, snake or insect bites and stings, exposure to excessive machinery noise, and falling and rolling material.  The incumbent must adjust and cope with exposure to weather elements, dust and smoke, poor sleeping and eating conditions and unpredictable sets of circumstances.  The incumbent may be required to live in backcountry camps for extended periods of time.  The hazardous nature of the work requires that personal protective equipment be worn (boots, hardhat, gloves, flame resistant clothing, etc.).  Work may require travel by light fixed wing or rotor wing aircraft.


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Questions?  Please contact:
Joe Schindel at

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