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Collection of Historical Photographs, Battlement Creek Fire

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Hand written note from Shirley & Chuck, 1976 - Hutch Mountain Lookout.

Hand written note from Shirley & Chuck, 1976 - Hutch Mountain Lookout.

Photo of smoke and flames on Battlement Creek from a distance.

Photo of smoke and flames on Battlement Creek.

Photo of smoke and flames on Battlement Creek from a distance as the fire dramatically gained momentum.

Photo of smoke and flames on Battlement Creek as the fire dramatically gained momentum.

Photo of smoke and flames on Battlement Creek as the fire engulfed the top of the mountain.

Photo of smoke and flames on Battlement Creek as the fire engulfed the top of the mountain.

Memorial plaque dedicated July 25, 1981 to the five firefighters who lost their lives.

Memorial plaque dedicated July 25, 1981 to the five firefighters who lost their lives.

Memorial site with a kiosk displaying a map and the history of the Battlement Creek Fire.

The memorial site with a kiosk displaying a map and the history of the Battlement Creek Fire.

Group photo of the Mormon Lake Hot Shot Crew, 1976.

Group photo of the Mormon Lake Hot Shot Crew, 1976.

Oblique aerial photograph of Battlement Creek fire area, July 19, 1976 showing locations of fire orgin, the burn area, crew accident, B-26 crash, heliport base, fire camp, and project Rulison .

Oblique aerial photograph of Battlement Creek fire area, July 19, 1976, showing locations of fire origin, the burn area, crew accident, B-26 crash, heliport base, fire camp, and project Rulison .

Photo showing the dense Gamble's oak leaves that were still on the trees at the time of the fire.

Dense Gamble's oak leaves that were still on the trees at the time of the fire.

Aerial photo of the convection column centered on the ridge between the north and south draws and positioned about half way between the road and the ridgeline where the Mormon Lake crew was working.

Aerial photo of the convection column centered on the ridge near Mormon Lake crew.

Photo of Battlement Creek fire from top of rocky bluff looking north. Mormon Lake crew member John Meyers photographed the fire running towards the lower helispot at about 1430 on Saturday, July 17. This is the fire run that stopped the burnout squad from joining the line improvement squad in the safety zone beyond the flames.

Photo of Battlement Creek fire from the rocky bluff looking north.


NWCG Latest Announcements

Updated, NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

Date: March 11, 2025
Contact: Fire Use Subcommittee
Wildland Fire Module Unit

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430 standardizes procedures and expectations for Wildland Fire Modules (WFMs). These standards are to be used by staff, supervisors, specialists, and technicians for planning, administering, and conducting WFM operations. These standards will also be used as a measure of WFM qualifications, capabilities, and expected performance, for both Type 1 and Type 2 WFMs.


NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

NEW! NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514

Date: March 7, 2025
Contact: National Interagency Aviation Committee

The NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating airtankers on interagency wildland fires. These standards should be used in conjunction with the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision (SAS), PMS 505, NWCG Standards for Airtanker Base Operations (SABO), PMS 508, and any applicable agency plans.


NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514

Incident Position Standards and Next Gen Position Task Books Now Available for Dispatch Incident Positions

Date: March 5, 2025
Contact: National Coordination System Committee

NWCG is excited to announce that Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Books are now available for all six Dispatch positions:

  • Aircraft Dispatcher
  • Expanded Dispatch Coordinator
  • Expanded Dispatch Recorder
  • Expanded Dispatch Supervisory Dispatcher
  • Expanded Dispatch Support Dispatcher
  • Initial Attack Dispatcher

The Performance Support Packages for these positions, including the Expanded Dispatch Job Aid, J-601 and the Initial Attack and Aircraft Dispatcher Job Aid, J-602, were developed as part of the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. These resources support trainees, qualified personnel, and evaluators in their roles.

Any changes to qualification pathways will take effect with the next update of the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1.


NWCG Aircraft Dispatcher Position Page 

NWCG Expanded Dispatch Coordinator Position Page 

NWCG Expanded Dispatch Recorder Position Page 

NWCG Expanded Dispatch Supervisory Dispatcher Position Page 

NWCG Expanded Dispatch Support Dispatcher Position Page 

NWCG Initial Attack Dispatcher Position Page 

NWCG Job Aids 

Incident Position Standards and the Next Generation Position Task Books Now Available for DMOB, DOCL, and RESL

Date: February 28, 2025
Contact: Incident Operations Subcommittee

NWCG is excited to announce that Incident Position Standards and the Next Generation Position Task Books are now available for Demobilization Unit Leader (DMOB), Documentation Unit Leader (DOCL), and Resources Unit Leader (RESL).

The Performance Support Packages for these positions, including a job aid for RESL, were developed as part of the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. These resources support trainees, qualified personnel, and evaluators in their respective roles.

Any changes to qualification pathways will take effect with the next update of the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1.


NWCG Demobilization Unit Leader Position Page 

NWCG Documentation Unit Leader Position Page 

NWCG Resources Unit Leader Position Page