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PMS 936 Symbology Point

View the symbology page for more information.

Symbology: Point | Line | Polygon | Secondary Symbols

Symbol Symbol Name Sort descending Feature Layer Category Link to NWCG Glossary (if one exists) Label
Purple circle with inverted V inside the circle. There is a red small circle inside the inverted V. Aerial Hazard Event Point Air Ops
Purple airplane inside purple circle. Airport Event Point Air Ops
Purple checkmark within purple circle. Aviation Check Point Event Point Air Ops
Left and right facing brackets. Branch Break Event Point Assignment Break

Label Required. 

Use Label Point Feature Layer.

Branches must be labeled in between symbols.

Branch IV

Gray octagon with two opposing brackets in reverse. Bridge Event Point Reference
Blue square with reverse line forming teepee inside. Camp Event Point Logistics
Green polygon with reverse line art of trash can. Clean Up Area Event Point Repair
White X in blue square. Closure Event Point Logistics
Half oval and tabs on each end inside a green polygon with black out line. Culvert Event Point Repair
None Defensible Prep and Hold Structure Triage GISS Edit Service Structure Triage
None Defensible Stand Alone Structure Triage GISS Edit Service Structure Triage
Blue wavy water in purple circle. Dip Site Event Point Water

Label if necessary (numbered or named).

Two curved lines left and right facing back to back. Division Break Event Point Assignment Break

Label Required.

Use Label Point Feature Layer.

Divisions must be labeled in between symbols.

Div A

A white drop inside green polygon with black outline. Dozer Push Event Point Repair
Blue Square. Drop Point Event Point Logistics

Label Required.



Example drop point of -20
White broken fence line in green polygon with black outline. Fence - Cut/Damaged Event Point Repair
Red X in red circle. Fire Origin Event Point Fire

Label Required.  

Date and time of ignition.

Aug 14
1350 hrs

White F with tick marks inside each point of of gray hexagon.  Fire Station Event Point Reference

Label if necessary (numbered or named).

White gate inside gray hexagon. Gate Event Point Reference
Yellow triangle with a red border and black exclamation point in the middle. Hazard Event Point Safety
White pine tree inside green pentagon with black outline. Hazard Tree Event Point Repair
Purple capital H inside purple circle. Helibase Event Point Air Ops

Label if necessary (numbered or named).

Purple circle. Helispot Event Point Air Ops

Label Required. 


Example of a helispot
Small red circle inside a larger white circle with red outline. Hot Spot - Spot Fire Event Point Fire
Blue fire hydrant inside a white circle with black outline. Hydrant Event Point Water
Blue square with top left half corner filled with white. Incident Command Post Event Point Logistics
Three curved white bars with a dot on bottom inside blue box turned with point north. Internet Access Event Point Communications
Small red circle. IR Isolated Heat Source IR Point IR
Six white dots stacked in a pyramid inside a green pentagon with black outline. Landing or Log Deck Event Point Repair
White circle inside a gray hexagon. Landmark Event Point Reference
White binoculars inside a black square. Lookout Event Point Ops
White cross in blue square. Medical Event Point Logistics

Label if necessary (numbered or named).

Half red circle inside white circle with purple outline. Mobile Retardant Base Event Point Air Ops
Three white dots at the end of white lines attached to a thicker white line in the center, all within a blue square, with point on end. Mobile Weather Unit Event Point Communications
Solid line art of a house. Non-Defensible – Prep and Leave Structure Triage GISS Edit Service Structure Triage
Solid graphic line art of a house. Non-Defensible – Rescue Drive-By Structure Triage GISS Edit Service Structure Triage
Gray octagon. Other Event Point Reference
White square with rounded corners and blue outline with blue circle in center. Other Property Accountable Property Accountable Property
Red diamond with black outline. Possible IR Heat Source IR Point IR
Pump Pump Accountable Property Accountable Property
Green pentagon with black outline. Repair Point Event Point Repair
Two curved white brackets around white dot in center, all within a blue square turned on point. Repeater Event Point Communications

Label if necessary (numbered or named).

White exclamation point inside green pentagon with black outline. Resource Location Event Point Repair
Blue capital W in white circle with blue outline and a red slash going across W at angle. Restricted Water Source Event Point Water
White X inside green pentagon with black outline. Retardant in Avoidance Area Event Point Repair
Vertical White solid lines with a dashed line going up the middle all inside a green pentagon with black outline. Road Repair Event Point Repair
Black S inside yellow triangle with black outline. Safety Zone Event Point Safety
Upside down V sitting on top of purple base within a white circle with purple outline. Sling Site Event Point Air Ops
White capital S inside blue square. Staging Area Event Point Logistics

Label if necessary (numbered or named).

Three white wavy lines split in the middle all inside a green pentagon with black outline. Stream Crossing Event Point Repair
White house inside green pentagon with black outline. Structure Wrap Event Point Repair
Purple fine blades inside of a white circle with purple outline. UAS Launch and Recovery Event Point Air Ops
Purple capital U inside white circle with purple outline. Unimproved Landing Area Event Point Air Ops

Label if necessary (numbered or named).

Solid image of a house. Unknown Structure Triage GISS Edit Service Structure Triage
White exclamation point inside gray hexagon. Value at Risk Event Point Reference
White square with blue outline and blue outline of cylinder inside. Water Tank Accountable Property Accountable Property
Two stacked black ovals with a vertical black line in between. Zone Break Event Point Assignment Break

Label Required.

Use Label Point Feature Layer

Zones must be labeled in between symbols.

East Zone

Showing 1 - 57 of 57 entries

NWCG Latest Announcements

Updated NWCG Standards for Water Scooping Operations, PMS 518

Date: December 19, 2024
Contact: Water Scooper Operations Unit

The NWCG Standards for Water Scooping Operations, PMS 518 establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating water scooping aircraft on interagency wildland fires. These standards should be used in conjunction with the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision (SAS), PMS 505, and any local, state, or geographic/regional water scooping plans.


NWCG Standards for Water Scooping Operations, PMS 518

Updated NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision, PMS 505

Date: December 19, 2024
Contact: Interagency Aerial Supervision Subcommittee

The Interagency Aerial Supervision Subcommittee has updated the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision, PMS 505. PMS 505 establishes standards for aerial supervision operations for national interagency wildland fire operations. 


NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision, PMS 505

New Job Aids Available: Packing Lists for Wildland Fire Fireline Personnel and Support Staff, J-101 and J-102

Date: December 3, 2024

Two new job aids are now available: Packing List for Wildland Fire Fireline Personnel, J-101 and Packing List for Wildland Fire Support Personnel, J-102, should serve as a baseline for items needed on a wildland fire assignment. These lists will help personnel prepare for a 14 to 21-day assignment on the fireline or in a support role.


Job Aid Catalog

NWCG Packing List for Wildland Fire Fireline Personnel, J-101

NWCG Packing List for Wildland Fire Support Staff, J-102

NWCG Equipment Technology Committee Releases Safety Warning: 24-001 Stihl Chainsaw Toolless Fuel Cap Spill Prevention

Date: November 14, 2024
Contact: Equipment Technology Committee

The Equipment Technology Committee (ETC) has released Safety Warning: 24-001 Stihl Chainsaw Toolless Fuel Cap Spill Prevention. Misaligned toolless fuel caps on Stihl chainsaws have led to recurring fuel spillage, fuel ignition, and burn injuries during wildland fire management operations.

This Safety Warning is intended to highlight the details and recommended procedures for the installation of a Stihl chainsaw toolless fuel cap, as well as how to identify and correct a misaligned, damaged, or broken fuel cap to help prevent fuel spillage.


NWCG Safety Warning: 24-001 Stihl Chainsaw Toolless Fuel Cap Spill Prevention

Advertencia de equipos 24-001: Prevención de derrames de la tapa de combustible sin herramientas de la motosierra Stihl

NWCG Alerts