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Fuels: Landscape Acquisition Critique and Editing

  1. Primary Reference
  2. LCP Data Sources
  3. Other Data Sources
  4. LCP Fuel Themes
  5. Nomenclature for Spatial Data Layers
  6. LCP Critique
  7. Editing and Updating the Landscape (LCP) File

Primary Reference

Guidebook on LANDFIRE fuels data acquisition, critique, modification, maintenance, and model calibration at Stratton, Richard D. 2009. RMRS-GTR-220. Fort Collins, CO, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 54 p. 

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LCP Data Sources

LANDFIRE Data Distribution Site

There are several versions of LANDFIRE data, including LCP files (2001, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014). You can evaluate what is available in each version with its Version Comparison Table.  There is no online tool for editing the files before download. Downloaded files may be requested in either the US Albers or the local UTM projection.

Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS)

Analysis tools in WFDSS (Basic, STFB, NTFB, and FSPro) include downloadable LCP files.  Users may edit the LCP files before download.  Downloaded files come with a custom Albers projection that may require some reprojection effort before combining with shapefiles in FARSITE and FLAMMAP analysis. LCP Critique reports are available alongside the LCP file.

Interagency Fuel Treatment Decision Support System (IFTDSS)

IFTDSS uses spatial analysis tools in support of Hazard Analysis, Prescribed Burn Planning, Risk Assessment, Fuels Treatment, and Fire Effects planning.  Primarily based on the FLAMMAP processor, analysis tools use LANDFIRE data, allowing the user to edit and download LCPs from their projects.

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Other Data Sources

Wildland Fire/Treatment History

  • Burn severity layers
  • Fire progression layers
  • Fuel treatments
  • Prescribed fire perimeters
  • Wildfire perimeters

Ecological Considerations

  • Areas of critical environmental concern
  • Sensitive or critical wildlife habitat
  • Threatened, endangered, and sensitive (TES) flora and fauna habitat
  • Rivers and streams
  • Water bodies
  • Vegetation or cover-type classification

Socio-Economic Considerations

  • Ownership and jurisdiction layer
  • Historical and recreational sites
  • Primary and secondary residences
  • Remote automated weather stations (RAWS)
  • Roads and Trails
  • Urban development

Other Base Layers

  • Aerial photos
  • Digital orthophoto quad (DOQ) or quarter quad (DOQQ)
  • Digital raster graph (DRG)

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LCP Fuel Themes

Surface Fuel Model

13 original Fuel Models

Anderson, H. E. 1982. Aids to determining fuelmodels for estimating fire behavior. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-122. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 22 p. 

40 Standard Fuel Models

Scott, Joe H.;Burgan, Robert E. 2005. Standard fire behavior fuel models: a comprehensive set for use with Rothermel’s surface fire spread model. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-153. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,Rocky Mountain Research Station.72 p.

The following themes all relate to a forest canopy that affects mid-flame wind speed, spotting, and crown fire potential.

Scott, Joe H.; Reinhardt, Elizabeth D. 2005. Stereo photo guide for estimating canopy fuel characteristics in conifer stands. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-145. Fort Collins, CO: U.S.Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 49p.

Canopy Cover (CC)

In percent, 0-100%, practical Maximum is 70% in most conifer fuel types.

Canopy Height (CH or SH)

Units in Meters*10, divide by 10 to get actual height in meters.

Canopy Base Height (CBH)

Units in Meters*10, divide by 10 to get actual height in meters.

Canopy Bulk Density

Units in Kilograms/meter3*100, divide by 100 to get actual density.

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Nomenclature for Spatial Data Layers

Fuel Type Fuel Model Bloc Pre-Defined Reserved for Future
Pre-defined Models
Available for
Custom Fuel Models
FB 01-13 01-13 N/A N/A
Custom 14-89 N/A N/A 14-89
NB 90-99 91-93, 98-99 94, 95 90, 96, 97
GR 100-119 101-109 110-112 100, 113-119
GS 120-139 121-124 125-130 120, 131-139
SH 140-159 141-149 150-152 140, 153-159
TU 160-179 161-165 166-170 160, 171-179
TL 180-199 181-189 190-192 180, 193-199
SB 200-219 201-204 205-210 200, 211-219
Custom 220-256 N/A N/A 220-256

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LCP Critique

The LCP Critique report is an essential element in the calibration process. It can be obtained from the same WFDSS analysis landscape tab that the LCP was obtained from. Or, if the LCP is downloaded, it can be loaded in FLAMMAP and a critique can be generated from there.  There is a stand-alone version LCPCritique at

On the first page

  • View the filename, latitude, cell resolution, and coordinate system in the header information to insure the file used is correct.
  • View the Theme units, ranges, and value distributions to make sure that the lcp is valid and that there is no corrupted data.
  • Determine the important surface fuel models in the LCP.

As an example, this histogram shows that fuel models 183, 165, 102, and 122 are the primary surface fuels.

Fuels distribution display in LCP Critique report showing a bar graph of the fuel model classification.

Is that what you expect? What are the critical inputs for each of these fuel models? Are any of them dynamic?

Image and Legend Pages for Each Theme

Some data problems can be identified visually here, such as vertical and horizontal lines in slope themes. The fuel model image can be reviewed by comparing mapped fuel models with areas that have had ground verification or high confidence classifications.

Theme Distributions for each Surface Fuel Models, in order of importance

  • Evaluate the terrain theme ranges and distributions for elevation, slope, and aspect. Are these appropriate for the fuel model? How would you revise or adjust them? Consider whether the fuel model needs to be changed for certain terrain value combinations.
  • Canopy characteristics should be evaluated carefully to ensure that canopy cover (wind adjustment, fuel shading), tree heights (wind adjustment, spotting distance), and canopy base height (crown fire initiation), distributions make sense for the specific fuel model.
  • Canopy bulk density (active crown fire propagation) values are not only related to the fuel model and canopy tree species, they also must be appropriately scaled for the crown fire propagation model used (surface fire control - Finney vs. crown fire control - Scott & Reinhardt; see Crown Fire Initiation and Propagation Section.

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Editing and Updating the Landscape (LCP) File

Any errors or necessary adjustments identified here should be included in landscape edits performed before the first analyses are conducted.

There are several tools for editing LCP files:

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WFSTAR 2025 Core Component Module Package and 2024 Fire Year in Review Now Available

Date: March 14, 2025
Questions?  Please contact:
Joe Schindel at

The 2025 Core Component Module Package for RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR) and the 2024 Fire Year in Review are now available on the NWCG website. The 2025 Core Component Module Package provides all content needed to deliver RT-130.


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Date: March 12, 2025
Contact: Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Committee

The NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053 provides mitigation practitioners at all experience levels with recommendations on the most effective and efficient ways to accomplish mitigation work in communities at risk to wildfire damage or destruction. The content in this guide was written in coordination with the NWCG Standards for Mitigation in the Wildland Urban Interface, PMS 052.


NWCG Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Field Guide, PMS 053 

Updated, NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430

Date: March 11, 2025
Contact: Fire Use Subcommittee
Wildland Fire Module Unit

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Module Operations, PMS 430 standardizes procedures and expectations for Wildland Fire Modules (WFMs). These standards are to be used by staff, supervisors, specialists, and technicians for planning, administering, and conducting WFM operations. These standards will also be used as a measure of WFM qualifications, capabilities, and expected performance, for both Type 1 and Type 2 WFMs.


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Date: March 7, 2025
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The NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating airtankers on interagency wildland fires. These standards should be used in conjunction with the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision (SAS), PMS 505, NWCG Standards for Airtanker Base Operations (SABO), PMS 508, and any applicable agency plans.


NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514