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Search Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide, PMS 437

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NWCG Latest Announcements

Glossary Term for Review: Equipment Identifier

Date: June 22, 2023
Contact: Data Standards and Terminology Board (DSTB)

Hello Wildland Fire Data Community! The Data Standards and Terminology Board has received a request for a new term/data standard. A few things about our process are maturing – this includes ensuring definitions capture only the essence of the term – and nothing more. Historically our definitions have been overloaded with rules, descriptions, and examples, all in an effort to ensure the term is understood. There is a place for that information, just not in the definition. You will see that we are now including those fields, when applicable, as part of the proposed term. If you have additional content that you think will help explain a term, please add it to your feedback.

Please review, share with your subgroups, and provide feedback. The comment period will close July 21, 2023.

Thank you for your engagement in the NWCG glossary process – your participation is key to our success.

Background: Apparatus Number is a field currently exchanged in IRWIN and was originally grandfathered in. The time has come to update the term and standard, but we need your help!

Proposed Data Value Rules:  String, max 75 characters
Proposed Data Element: Equipment Identifier
Proposed Data Element Description: The unique alphanumeric values assigned to an apparatus.
Supersedes: Apparatus Number - the external alphanumeric value painted on the side of the equipment.


Glossary Request Feedback

Resource Ordering Systems Resource Item Data Entry Standards

Glossary Term for Review

Date: June 9, 2023
Contact: Data Standards and Terminology Board (DSTB)

The Data Standards and Terminology Board is requesting feedback on a glossary term. In this case, the proposal is for the addition of Business Rules. Historically we overloaded our definitions with definitions, descriptions, rules etc. We are now trying to separate the parts to make them distinct parts of a glossary term.

Please review, share with your subgroups, and provide feedback as appropriate. The comment period will close July 7, 2023.

Existing Term: Incident Complex
Incident Complex Proposed Business Rules

  1. Child records must meet large fire criteria specific to incident size to be included in an incident relationship within an incident complex. Child records must be at least 100 acres in timber or 300 acres in grass brush to be added to an Incident Complex.
  2. Wildfire (WF) records that are Human Caused shall not be added to an Incident Complex.
  3. Child records may only be in one Incident Complex at a time


Glossary Request Feedback

Guidance for Incident Finance Electronic File Management, Memo 23-08

Date: May 31, 2023
Contact: Incident Business Committee (IBC)

The NWCG Incident Business Committee (IBC) realized the file structure for COST and COMP unit folders needed additional refinement to the current standards. The same task group as previous was convened to address these types of files. The buying team group revised electronic document standards for buying team files now being housed on FireNet. The documents, have been approved by the IBC and are provided as national standards for incident finance electronic files and folders.


Memo 23-08

Finance Working Files and Folder Matrix for FireNet

Finance Electronic Files Management Guidance

Structure for Finance Working Files Provided in FireNet

Buying Team Electronic Document Standard Operating Procedures

Structure for Final Finance eDoc Box Provided in FireNet

NWCG Celebrates National Emergency Medical Services Week

Date: May 24, 2023
Contact: Emergency Medical Committee (EMC)

This week, NWCG celebrates National Emergency Medical Services Week.  
The Emergency Medical Committee is proud to be affiliated with all the agencies and organizations who collaborate to provide and support EMS across our national wildfire response systems.  

Thank you to all the EMS individuals for the important work and mission you do every day!

Learn about the NWCG Emergency Medical Committee
