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Search Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide, PMS 437

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NWCG Latest Announcements

NWCG Standards for M-2002 Fire Shelters, PMS 411

Date: May 15, 2023
Contact: Fire Shelter and Personal Protective Equipment Subcommittee (FSPPES)

An updated PMS 411 with a new name NWCG Standards for M-2002 Fire Shelters, is now available on the NWCG website. PMS 411 is no longer a PDF but is now an interactive web portal. The portal contains 10 sections, each explaining a different part of the fire shelter, training for its use, and the use of the fire shelter on the fireline.


2024 Standards for Interagency Incident Business Management (SIIBM) Comment Period, Memo 23-06

Date: May 9, 2023
Contact: Incident Business Committee (IBC)

The IBC has recognized several changes to business practices that necessitate a revision to release a new edition in the Spring of 2024. Like the previous SIIBM update, the 2024 version will only be available via the NWCG website for downloading and printing. There will not be a hard copy version published and available to order from the cache.
The IBC is requesting comments and content edits from the field regarding potential revisions to the 2024 SIIBM. The memo's attached comment sheet describes the format in which comments should be provided. Comments are due by November 3, 2023.


Glossary Term for Review

Date: April 26, 2023
Contact: Data Standards and Terminology Board (DSTB)

The Data Standards and Terminology Board is requesting feedback on the new term Incident Complexity Level.
The proposed definition is: The incident level established by completing an incident complexity analysis considering the level of difficulty, severity, or overall resistance the incident or event presents to incident management or support personnel as they work to manage it; a categorization that helps leaders compare one type of incident or event to another.  
Please review, share with your subgroups, and provide feedback as appropriate. The term will be out for review until May 26 , 2023.


Standardized use of FireNet by Geographic Areas and Incident Management Teams for the 2023 Fire Year

Date: April 17, 2023
Contact: Katy O'Hara and Nick Heller

The purpose of this memorandum is to reinforce FireNet as the recognized standard official electronic messaging and file collaboration system to support interagency wildland fire missions during the 2023 fire year. 
FireNet is the designated environment for conducting wildland fire operations, and as such, Incident Management Teams (IMTs), dispatch centers and other fire support operations must be using FireNet email, Teams, and SharePoint to the maximum extent possible. 
