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Search Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide, PMS 437

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NWCG Latest Announcements

Safety Warning 23-01: Non-Specification Fire Shelters

Date: March 10, 2023
Contact: David Maclay-Schulte, Equipment Specialist, 406-329-3965 

Issue:  Non-specification fire shelters are being advertised and sold on the open market as meeting Forest Service (FS) specification 5100-606 requirements.
The non-specification shelters are made from unknown materials and components that have not been tested and certified to ensure compliance with specification requirements. The unspecified materials can impact the performance and safety of the non-specification fire shelter if utilized in a deployment.


Equipment Bulletin 23-01: Discontinuation of Shelf Stable Food Boxes (NFES 7478) in NISC

Date: March 7, 2023
Contact: Sam Wu, 909-731-9072

The shelf stable food box pilot program has concluded. While the item received positive field feedback, it is both labor-intensive and cost-prohibitive to continue offering. It will be discontinued and not available from the National Interagency Support Cache (NISC) system.
A Cache Memo will be distributed to the National Interagency Cache System for direction to remove the Shelf Stable Food Boxes from the National Interagency Cache System.


2023 Transition Plan for Complex Incident Management

Date: January 25, 2023
Contact: Shane McDonald and Jesse Bender

This memorandum provides NWCG direction for the continued transition to Complex Incident Management (CIM).
The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1, includes the position qualification requirements for the seven Complex Command and General Staff (C&GS) positions. The NWCG Field Evaluation Form will be an option for Complex certification until January 1, 2025. The NWCG Wildland Fire Risk and Complexity Assessment (RCA), PMS 236, has been updated to include Part D:  Functional Complexity and Complex Incident Complexity Indicators.



2023 NWCG Executive Board Annual Letter

Date: January 24, 2023
Contact: NWCG Executive Board

As NWCG continues to implement our role in modernizing the wildland fire workforce, looking forward to 2023 it is clear the portfolio of critical work within NWCG extends beyond highlighted accomplishments or identified priorities. Nevertheless, we expect the continuation of the high tempo operational pace so acknowledging there will be important matters competing for limited time and staff, the EB identifies the following as priorities for the upcoming year:

  • Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM)
  • Complex Incident Management (CIM)
  • Standardized Business Practices 

Thank you for the critically important work you will do in the coming year.
