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Position History By Year

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1, establishes minimum NWCG position qualification standards for training, experience, physical fitness, and currency for national mobilization to wildland fire incidents. And position qualification standards are located in the NWCG Position Catalog. Each NWCG Position includes a record of all qualifications changes. A historical record of all changes is found here, organized by position. It includes positions which have been removed from the NWCG Position Catalog. An historical record of all changes is found here, organized by update year. A consolidated Position History is also available.

Year: 2006

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Information Officer Type 2 IOF2

Position archived. Replaced with PIO2. 

Position created. Information Officer in 1984 PMS 310-1.

CGS Command
Information Officer Type 1 IOF1

Position archived. Replaced with PIO1.

Position created. Information Officer in 1984 PMS 310-1.

CGS Command
Fire Use Manager FUMA

Position archived. Replaced with FUM1 and FUM2.

Position created.

Helicopter Manager Call When Needed HCWN

Position archived. Replaced with HELM.

Air Operations
Incident Business Advisor Type 2 IBA2

Position archived. Replaced with INBA.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Incident Business Advisor Type 1 IBA1

Position archived. Replaced with INBA.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Helicopter Manager HELM

Position archived. Replaced with HMGB.

Position created.

Removed course S-290 Intermediate Wildland fire Behavior (32 hrs.)

Air Operations
Geographic Information System Specialist* GISS

Updated: Incident Position Description (IPD) updated.

Added: S-341, GIS Specialist for Incident Management and RT-341, GIS Specialist for Incident Management Annual Refresher to Required Training.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position Created.

Initial Attack Dispatcher IADP

Remove A-107, Aviation Policy and Regulations I Interagency Aviation Training as Required Training.

Required Training


Remove: ICS-100, Introduction to ICS

These Positions Maintain Currency for IADP:  Add - Aircraft Dispatcher (ACDP)

Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Safety Officer Type 3 SOF3

Position archived. Replaced with SOFR in PMS 310-1. Active as a DOI IPQG position.

Position created. 

CGS Command
Human Resource Specialist HRSP

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Fire Prevention Education Team Leader PETL

Added: P-410, Fire Prevention Education Team Leader to Required Training.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Prevention and Investigation
Public Information Officer Type 2* PIO2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB."


  • Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PIO2."
  • Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3) to "PIO2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PIO2."

Added: Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) to "PIO2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: IS-800, National Response Framework, An Introduction from Required Training.

Added: to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Public Information Officer Course (E/L952) prior to position qualification.”

Removed: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents (ICS-300) and Advanced ICS (ICS-400) from Required Training.

Added: Bridging experience pathways for qualified OSC2, LSC2, and PSC2 to move into the PIO2 position.

Updated: Required Experience for PIO2 from Successful to Satisfactory performance as a PIOF.

Updated: PIO2 information on the position flow chart.

Added: Annual Fireline Safety Refresher (RT-130) to Required Training.

Added: PIOF to Required Experience.

Position created. Replaced IOF2.

Wildland Fire Investigator INVF

Added: Wildland Fire Investigation Team Leader (INVL) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for INVF."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: "Other Position Assignments that will Maintain Currency."

Position created.

Prevention and Investigation
Public Information Officer Type 1* PIO1

Added: Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PIO1" and "PIO1 Maintains Currency For These Positions." 

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Public Information Officer Course (E/L952) prior to position qualification.”

Added: Bridging experience pathways for qualified OSC1, LSC1, and PSC1 to move into the PIO1 position.

Added: Annual Fireline Safety Refresher (RT-130) as Required Training.

Position created. Replaced IOF1.


Year: 2003

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Crew Representative CREP

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS), Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STCR) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for CREP".

Updated: Number changed from S-205 to S-215, Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface.

Added: Required training: S-205, (28 hrs).

Position created.


Year: 2002

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Helicopter Manager Old HEMG

Position archived. 

Position created.

Air Operations

Year: 2000

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Prescribed Fire Behavior Specialist RXFS

Position archived. 

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire Behavior Monitor RXFM

Position archived. 

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire
Long Term Fire Analyst LTAN

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Intermediate Fire Danger Rating System (S-491) as Required Training.

Added: S-491, Intermediate National Fire Danger Rating System to Required Training.

Updated: LTAN training requirements were modified to include S-495, replacing S-492 and S-493.

Position created.

Prescribed Fire Behavior Analyst RXFA

Position archived.

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire

Year: 1999

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Helicopter Manager HELM

Position archived. Replaced with HMGB.

Position created.

Removed course S-290 Intermediate Wildland fire Behavior (32 hrs.)

Air Operations
Planning Section Chief Type 2* PSC2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with  "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PSC2" and "PSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Planning Section Chief Course (S- 440) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Situation Unit Leader (SITL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as a Resources Unit Leader (RESL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs.).

Position created. 

Planning Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Planning Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Planning Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Food Unit Leader* FDUL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "FDUL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: S-357, Food Unit Leader (32 hrs.) to Required Training.

Position created.

Incident Commander Type 2* ICT2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB."

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "ICT2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added:  Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) and Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICT2".

Added: Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "ICT2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Liaison Officer (LOFR) to "ICT2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: the following Required Experience: Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3).

Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2).

Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-01) as an Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) on a wildfire incident.

Added: Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1) and Type 2 (SOF2) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ICT2" and "ICT2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Agency Representative (AREP) to "ICT2 Maintains Currency for These Positions".


Position created. 

Incident Commander (Multi-Branch), Incident Commander (Multi-Division) and Incident Commander (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.


Area Command Aviation Coordinator ACAC

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Required training S-620 (32 hrs).

Position created.

Air Operations
Logistics Section Chief Type 2* LSC2

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and from "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: asterisk note to read: Individuals must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Facilities Unit Leader (FACL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Supply Unit Leader (SPUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 3 (LSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs.) to Required Training.

Position created. 

Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Strike Team Leader Crew STCR

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "STCR Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For STCR."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: Crew Representative (CREP) to "STCR Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Updated: The Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STDZ, STEN, STCR, STPL) Position Task Books (PTB)(311-10) have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. Strike Team Leader tasks are completed only once. The Required Experience for TFLD must be met prior to completing additional TFLD tasks. Upon satisfactory performance in the prerequisite single resource boss position, the specific strike team leader task book may be initiated. Once qualified as a Strike Team Leader, any additional single resource boss qualifications will also qualify the individual in that corresponding strike team leader position—without having to complete the Strike Team Leader PTB for the new position—once agency certification is documented on the PTB Certification page.

Added: S-205 (28 hrs) to Required Training.

Position created. Task Force/Strike Team Leader in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Expanded Dispatch Supervisory Dispatcher EDSP

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (6 hrs).

Position created.

Task Force Leader TFLD

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "TFLD Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For TFLD."

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  If a TFLD meets the prerequisite experience and qualifications of a STL, the appropriate STL qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a ‘verification/certification’ page of the TFLD Position Task Book (311-10).

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: Crew Representative (CREP) to "TFLD Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: the following qualification pathway for required experience:
Satisfactory performance in any two Strike Team Leader positions (STCR, STEQ, STEN).

Updated: The Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STDZ, STEN, STCR, STPL) Position Task Books (PTB)(311-10) have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. Strike Team Leader tasks are completed only once. The Required Experience for TFLD must be met prior to completing additional TFLD tasks. Upon satisfactory performance in the prerequisite single resource boss position, the specific strike team leader task book may be initiated. Once qualified as a Strike Team Leader, any additional single resource boss qualifications will also qualify the individual in that corresponding strike team leader position—without having to complete the Strike Team Leader PTB for the new position—once agency certification is documented on the PTB Certification page.

Deleted: S-330 (24 hrs.) and S-390 (16 hrs.) from Required Training.

Position created.

Assistant Area Commander, Logistics ACLC


  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI), Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ACLC".
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI), Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC), Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "ACLC Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ACLC".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Assistant Area Commander, Planning (ACPC) from "These Positions Maintain Currency for ACLC".

Added: S-620 Area Command (32 hrs.)

Position created.

Crew Boss, Single Resource CRWB


Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For CRWB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5) to "CRWB Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Required Training: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource) (24 hrs).

Position created.

Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2* FSC2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FSC2" and "FSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: Required Experience:

Satisfactory performance as a Time Unit Leader (TIME).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Cost Unit Leader (COST).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Procurement Unit Leader (PROC).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs) to Required Training.

Position created. 

Finance Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Finance Section Chief  (Multi-Division) and IFinance Section Chief  (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Finance/ Administration
Crew Representative CREP

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS), Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STCR) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for CREP".

Updated: Number changed from S-205 to S-215, Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface.

Added: Required training: S-205, (28 hrs).

Position created.

Area Commander ACDR


  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "These Postions Maintain Currency for ADCR."
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "ACDR Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added:  Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) to Area Commander (ACDR) Maintains Currency for these Positions.

Added: Required training S-620 – Area Command (32 hrs).

Position created.

Division/Group Supervisor* DIVS


  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) and Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for DIVS."
  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) and Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "DIVS Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note:  Once qualified as a DIVS, the OPS3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Crew Representative (CREP) to "DIVS Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Required Experience option which includes satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
Satisfactory performance in any two Strike Team Leader positions (one must be either Strike Team Leader Engine [STEN] or Strike Team Leader Crew [STCR]). 

Added: Required training: S-339, Division/Group Supervisor (20 hrs).

Position created.

Incident Commander Type 5 ICT5

Added: Engine Boss (ENGB) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ICT5".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Crew Boss, Single Resource (CRWB) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ICT5".

Removed: Look Up, Look Down, Look Around (S-133), based on acceptance of NWCG Curriculum Management Issue Paper #123. The S-133 curriculum has been incorporated into the new development of Firefighter Type 1 (S-131).

Updated: The Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1) and Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5) Position Task Books have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. The FFT1 tasks are completed only once; additional tasks must be completed to meet the ICT5 level. The FFT1 and ICT5 tasks can be completed simultaneously. The Required Experience is satisfactory performance as a Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2).

Added: PMS 427 (4 hrs.)

Position created.

Engine Boss, Single Resource ENGB

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ENGB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Engine Boss (ENGB) maintains currency for Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5).

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: A Skills Crosswalk comparing National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for structural firefighters with National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) wildland firefighter skills has been developed for the FFT2, FFT1, ENGB, and STEN positions.

Added: Required training: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource)(24 hrs), S-231, Engine Boss (Single Resource)(8 hrs), S-205, Fire Operations in the Urban Interface (28 hrs).

Position created.

Operations Section Chief Type 1* OSC1

Added:  Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "OSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Position-Specific publication added under Standards and References: NWCG Position-Specific Standards for Operations Section Chiefs, PMS 350-8.

Added: Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For OSC1" and "OSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions"

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3) to "OSC1 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Removed: Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3) from "These Positions Maintain Currency for OSC1" and from "OSC1 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: S-430, Operations Section Chief (16 hrs.) and S-420, Command and General Staff (32 hrs.).

Position created. 

Operations Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Operations Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Operations Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Assistant Area Commander, Planning ACPC


  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ACPC."
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "ACPC Maintains Currency for These Positions."


  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ACPC".
  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "ACPC Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Assistant Area Commander, Logistics (ACLC) from "ACPC Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Required training S-620, Area Command (32 hrs).

Position created.

Felling Boss, Single Resource FELB

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FELB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added:  Required Training: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource) (24 hrs) and S-212, Wildland Fire Chainsaws (28 hrs).

Position created.

Firing Boss, Single Resource FIRB

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FIRB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Field Observer (FOBS) to "FIRB Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Updated: The Ignition Specialist positions (RXI1& RXI2) have been replaced with the Firing Boss (FIRB) position.

Added: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource) (24 hrs.) and S-234 (24 hrs.) to Single Resource Boss Firing Required Training.

Position created. Single Resource Boss in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Assistant Area Commander, Planning ACPC


  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ACPC."
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "ACPC Maintains Currency for These Positions."


  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ACPC".
  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "ACPC Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Assistant Area Commander, Logistics (ACLC) from "ACPC Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Required training S-620, Area Command (32 hrs).

Position created.

Fire Use Manager FUMA

Position archived. Replaced with FUM1 and FUM2.

Position created.

Air Operations Branch Director* AOBD

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: Changed Helibase Manager Type 1 (HEB1) to Helibase Manager (HEBM) under AOBD Maintains Currency for These Positions.

Position Created.

Air Operations
Assistant Area Commander, Logistics ACLC


  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI), Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ACLC".
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI), Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC), Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "ACLC Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ACLC".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Assistant Area Commander, Planning (ACPC) from "These Positions Maintain Currency for ACLC".

Added: S-620 Area Command (32 hrs.)

Position created.

Safety Officer Type 3 SOF3

Position archived. Replaced with SOFR in PMS 310-1. Active as a DOI IPQG position.

Position created. 

CGS Command
Aircraft Dispatcher ACDP

Required Training:



  • ICS-200, ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

Required Experience:  

Added: Satisfactory performance as an Initial Attack Dispatcher (IADP)
Removed: Satisfactory performance as an Expanded Dispatch Recorder (ERDC)

These Positions Maintain Currency for ACDP:

Added: Initial Attack Dispatcher (IADP)
Removed: Aircraft Base Radio Operator (ABRO) , Expanded Dispatch Recorder (EDRC

ACDP Maintains Currency for These Positions:

Added: Aircraft Base Radio Operator (ABRO), Expanded Dispatch Support Dispatcher (EDSD), Initial Attack Dispatcher (IADP)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Expanded Dispatch Coordinator CORD

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Expanded Dispatch Recorder EDRC

Added: Initial Attack Dispatcher (IADP) to "EDRC Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Removed: Aircraft Dispatcher (ACDP) from "EDRC Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Expanded Dispatch Support Dispatcher EDSD

Added: Aircraft Dispatcher (ACDP) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for EDSD". 

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Incident Commander Type 5 ICT5

Added: Engine Boss (ENGB) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ICT5".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Crew Boss, Single Resource (CRWB) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ICT5".

Removed: Look Up, Look Down, Look Around (S-133), based on acceptance of NWCG Curriculum Management Issue Paper #123. The S-133 curriculum has been incorporated into the new development of Firefighter Type 1 (S-131).

Updated: The Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1) and Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5) Position Task Books have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. The FFT1 tasks are completed only once; additional tasks must be completed to meet the ICT5 level. The FFT1 and ICT5 tasks can be completed simultaneously. The Required Experience is satisfactory performance as a Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2).

Added: PMS 427 (4 hrs.)

Position created.

Radio Operator RADO

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added:  Annual Fireline Safety Refresher (RT-130) to Required Training.

Position created.

Expanded Dispatch Supervisory Dispatcher EDSP

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (6 hrs).

Position created.

Aircraft Base Radio Operator ABRO

Removed: Aircraft Dispatcher (ACDP) from Maintains Currency For These Positions.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: Changed Helibase Manager Type 2 (HEB2) to Helibase Manager (HEBM) under These Positions Maintains Currency for ABRO.

Removed: Takeoff and Landing Coordinator (TOLC) from These Positions Maintain Currency for ABRO and ABRO Maintains Currency for These Positions.

Position created.

Air Operations
Area Command Aviation Coordinator ACAC

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Required training S-620 (32 hrs).

Position created.

Air Operations
Incident Communications Technician* COMT

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Deck Coordinator DECK

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: Helibase Manager Type 2 (HEB2) to Helibase Manager (HEBM) under "These Positions Maintains Currency for DECK".

Removed: Takeoff and Landing Coordinator (TOLC) from Required Experience, "These Positions Maintain Currency for DECK", and "DECK Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Updated: The prerequisite Required Experience is Helicopter Crewmember (HECM) and Takeoff and Landing Coordinator (TOLC).

Position created.

Air Operations
Fire Effects Monitor FEMO

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: FEMO and FOBS Position Task Books were combined into one Position Task Book (311-30)  but the positions have not been combined. Specific direction is in the transition plan which can be found on the NWCG Publication Management System (Qualifications) web site: PMS 310-1 Historical Documents.

Position created.

Tractor Plow Operator TPOP

Position archived. Active as an agency specific position. 

Position created. 

Takeoff and Landing Coordinator TOLC

Position archived. 

Position created. 

Air Operations
Incident Dispatcher INDI

Position archived. Replaced with RADO.

Position created.


Year: 1995

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Holding Specialist HLDS

Position archived. 

Air Operations
Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 1 RXB1


Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: RX-510 course name.

Position created. Part 2.

Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire Crew Member RXCM

Position archived. Active as an agency specific position.

Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire Manager Type 1 RXM1

Position archived.  Replaced by RXMG.

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire Manager Type 2 RXM2

Position archived.  Replaced by RXMG.

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 2 RXB2


Updated: Prescribed Fire Manager (RXMG) replaces Prescribed Fire Manager Type 1 (RXM1) and Prescribed Fire Manager Type 2 (RXM2) as "These positions maintain currency for RXB2." 

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Smoke Management Techniques (RX-410) to Required Training.

Position created. Part 2.

Prescribed Fire
Ignition Specialist Type 1 RXI1

Position archived. Replaced with FIRB.

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire Behavior Analyst RXFA

Position archived.

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire
Ignition Specialist Type 2 RXI2

Position archived. Replaced with FIRB.

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire Behavior Specialist RXFS

Position archived. 

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire Behavior Monitor RXFM

Position archived. 

Position created. Pt 2.

Prescribed Fire

Year: 1993

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Firefighter Type 1 Squad Boss FFT1

Added: S-131, Firefighter Type 1 (8 hrs.) to Required Training.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Look Up, Look Down, Look Around (S-133), based on acceptance of NWCG Curriculum Management Issue Paper #123. The S-133 curriculum has been incorporated into the new development of S-131, Firefighter Type 1.

Added: S-219, Firing Operations to “Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge & Skills.”

Updated: The Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1) and Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5) Position Task Books have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. The FFT1 tasks are completed only once; additional tasks must be completed to meet the ICT5 level. The FFT1 and ICT5 tasks can be completed simultaneously. The Required Experience is satisfactory performance as a Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2).

Position created.  Squad Boss in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Agency Representative AREP

Added: Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For AREP."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Liaison Officer (E/L956) to Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills.

Removed: “*designates agency established position qualifications.”

Added: Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) and Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) as Positions That Maintain Currency for AREP.

Position created.

Information Officer Type 3 IOF3

Position archived. Replaced with PIOF. 

Position created.

CGS Command
Helibase Manager Type 2 HEB2

Position archived.

Helibase Type 1 (HEB1) and Helibase Type 2 (HEB2) combined to Helibase Manager (HEBM).

Position created from Helibase Manager position.  Helibase Manager Type 2 (One to Five Helicopters).

Air Operations
Information Officer Type 2 IOF2

Position archived. Replaced with PIO2. 

Position created. Information Officer in 1984 PMS 310-1.

CGS Command
Information Officer Type 1 IOF1

Position archived. Replaced with PIO1.

Position created. Information Officer in 1984 PMS 310-1.

CGS Command
Helicopter Manager Old HEMG

Position archived. 

Position created.

Air Operations
Helispot Manager HESM

Position archived.

In 1984 PMS 310-1, not in 1993 PMS 310-1 
Inactivated as agency specific: FS 11/2007, other fed agencies 01/2019.

Position created.

Air Operations
Strike Team Ldr Tractor Plow STPL

Position archived. Task Force/Strike Team Leader in 1984 PMS 310-1. Replaced with STEQ.

Position created. 

Strike Team Leader Dozer STDZ

Position archived. Task Force/Strike Team Leader in 1984 PMS 310-1. Replaced with STEQ.

Position created. 

Helicopter Crewmember HECM

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: Helibase Manager Type 1 and Helibase Manager Type 2 to Helibase Manager (HEBM).

Added: Aviation Transportation of Hazardous Material (A-110) to Required Training as a triennial requirement.

Updated: HECM Position Task Book (311-22)  was modified to include additional behaviors, tasks, and task codes for helispot operations.

Position created.

Air Operations
Resources Unit Leader* RESL

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "RESL Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For RESL."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements :  Note: Once qualified as a RESL, the PSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the PSC3 Position Task Book (PMS 311-55).

Position created.

Felling Boss, Single Resource FELB

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FELB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added:  Required Training: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource) (24 hrs) and S-212, Wildland Fire Chainsaws (28 hrs).

Position created.

Planning Section Chief Type 1* PSC1

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PSC1" and "PSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Planning Section Chief Course (S-440) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: Prerequisite Experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1) on a wildfire incident.

Removed: Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3) from These Positions Maintain Currency for PSC1 positions and PSC1 Maintains Currency for These Positions.

Position created. 

Planning Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Planning Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Planning Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Planning Section Chief Type 2* PSC2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with  "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PSC2" and "PSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Planning Section Chief Course (S- 440) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Situation Unit Leader (SITL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as a Resources Unit Leader (RESL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs.).

Position created. 

Planning Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Planning Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Planning Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Commissary Manager CMSY

Position archived.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Documentation Unit Leader* DOCL

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for DOCL."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Communications Unit Leader* COML

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "COML Maintains Currency For These Positions": 

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)

Removed: OR Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM) Added: AND Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM)


Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Technician (COMT)
AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Communications Unit Leader (COML) Position Task Book, PMS 311-34



Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM)
AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Communications Unit Leader (COML) Position Task Book, PMS 311-34

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Incident Commander Type 4* ICT4

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "ICT4 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF) 

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICT4."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added:  “except HMGB” to "ICT4 Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Any Single Resource Position (CRWB, DOZB, ENGB, FELB, FIRB, TRPB, HMGB) meets the prerequisite experience for Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4).

Position created.

Display Processor DPRO

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Demobilization Unit Leader* DMOB

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for DMOB."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Incident Communications Center Manager INCM

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Dozer Operator DZOP

Position archived. 

Position created. Active as an agency specific position.

Logistics Section Chief Type 1* LSC1

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC1" and from "LSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LCS1" and "LCS1 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC) to "LCS1 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: Corrected asterisk note to read: Individuals must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.

Added: of Support Branch Director (SUBD) to LSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions.

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1).
Satisfactory performance as a Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) on a wildfire incident*.

Removed: of Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC3) from the "These Positions Maintain Currency for LSC1" positions.
Added: of Area Commander (ACDR) for "These Positions Maintain Currency for LSC1."
Added: of Service Branch Director (SVBD) to "LSC1 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Position created. 

Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Logistics Section Chief Type 2* LSC2

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and from "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: asterisk note to read: Individuals must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Facilities Unit Leader (FACL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Supply Unit Leader (SPUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 3 (LSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs.) to Required Training.

Position created. 

Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Equipment Time Recorder EQTR

Added: Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintan Currency for EQTR."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Firefighter Type 2 Crewmember FFT2

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: The Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2) PTB has been eliminated and will be replaced with a Job Aid.

Position created.  Firefighter in 1984 PMS 310-1.

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USWDS Paragraph Bundles

NWCG Latest Announcements

Subject Matter Experts Needed

Date: February 14, 2024
Contact: NWCG 

NWCG is seeking subject matter experts to be part of the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. As part of IPTM subject matter experts will help develop an integrated performance-based training system, ensure incident-specific training is necessary and relevant, and build position training and qualifications from Incident Position Standards.

Sign up to be part of the Incident Performance and Training Modernization effort!



Incident Performance and Training Modernization

NWCG SME Interest Sign-up

Video: Be Part of IPTM

Great Basin Cache Construction Impacts NWCG Publications Delivery

Date: February 13, 2024
Contact: Randy Chindarak 

Please be advised that construction at the Great Basin Cache will impact the delivery of NWCG publications and training products after February 21st. If you have a need for hard copy publications or training materials, please put your order in ASAP and those orders will be sent out within the next week. This impact is anticipated to last two weeks.

Last date to order publications prior to demolition is February 21, 2024.


NWCG NFES Catalog - Part 2: Publications, PMS 449-2

NWCG Work Capacity Test Administrator's Guide, PMS 307

Date: December 7, 2023
Contact: Risk Management Committee (RMC) 

An updated NWCG Work Capacity Test Administrator's Guide is now available. This publication is intended to aid WCT Administrators in preparing and performing a WCT. 

The WCT Administrator will be able to complete proper paperwork and administer respective job-related field tests to determine a worker's capacity to meet NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1.


NWCG Work Capacity Test Administrator's Guide, PMS 307

Updated NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision, PMS 505

Date: December 6, 2023
Contact: Interagency Aerial Supervision Subcommittee (IASS) 

The December 2023 revision of the NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision, PMS 505, is now available for download. No changes have been made to the associated forms and documents.


NWCG Standards for Aerial Supervision, PMS 505